Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Brown Jacket

So, it the last few weeks have been my favorite time of the year-consignment sale time:) I love shopping at them because you can get such good deals on nice things. Well, Darin always comes with me to inspect my potential purchases. We also tag team on our list. I sent him off to get light jackets for the boys in anticipation of some warmer weather-bye bye winter coats. He picked one out for each boy. I wasn't too sure about this particular jacket (lovely fake leather), but it has proven to be a sucessful $4.00 purchase!!

Spencer absolutely loves this jacket. He has been wearing it every since Friday evening, and tells everyone about it where ever he goes. It is so funny. He has received many compliments for looking sharp in his new jacket. What can I say....he is pretty doggone cute!!

Oh, sooo handsome!!
On another happy note....
Spring is finally here!! Our trees went from no buds to full bloom in like 3 days!! It is so pretty. We are also super excited to go downtown and look at the cherry blossoms on Thursday after school. Darin is out of town, and since my desire to walk around the whole tidal basin and take tons of pictures doesn't thrill him, he can rest easy in San Antonio and know the kids and I will have fun.

I hear lots of feet running into the kitchen upstairs so have to go investigate!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

'Authors and Illustrators Night at Rose Hill

Last night I went to Jordan's school for "Authors and Illustrators" night. It is where the families can come and see the student's written work and art work. It was so fun. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to make it because I had to drop stuff off for the consignment sale and volunteer from 7-9 and the school thing was at 6:30. Here is what I did
5:45-go to church to drop stuff off. Run like a mad woman putting my things for the sale in the proper spot.
6:30 pick Jordan up to go to the school
7:00 leave the school and take Jordan home.
7:15-9:00 help at the consignment sale.

Whew.....I did it....

So the trip to the school was so fun. Jordan was more than thrilled that I took her. When we got to her room, several little girls were yelling her name and came over to see her. There were about 4 of them trying to give her a hug at the same time. Way cute....to be 5 again...

Here is Jordan in her english class room. She proudly showed me around the room, and I stopped at her desk and looked at her work. Very PROUD mommy moment:) It is still hard to believe the little bundle they layed in my arms a few years ago is in school....time really flies!!

Anyhoooo, I ramble. Here are some copies of her work.

This is the project she did for the 100th day of school.

Some work from her math class.

I could tell that Jordan was so proud that I went. I really want to be supportive of all her school activities. My mom rarely went to evenings like this and I always felt bad about it. I don't ever want Jordan, or the boys for that matter, to feel that way. Such a fun night!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Devil vs. Angel

The Devil on my shoulder says:
If you were able to get tickets to the White House Egg Roll, don't tell me. I cannot be held responsible for what may happen. I may spontaneously burst into tears....well, I actually may feel like punching you as well....It's not fair...why did they change it...dumb, system!!! I neglected my children all day to sit at th computer...what a waste....ARGGG!!

The Angel on the other shoulder says:
It is a life lesson. They had good intentions. They want more people to be able to go. You will survive if you don't go, and Jordan won't miss school. Try again next year. The goodie bag will just clutter up your house anyway. There will be people going that may have never been able to go before, and remember you did get to go last year and didn't even camp out for the tickets. (Thanks Jill)

So...These are my conflicting feelings. I had myself sooooo psyched up to camp out and get tickets for the egg roll. I was just soo excited to go. We had so much fun, I have been planning it all year. How can I as an adult get so excited about something for my children that I am depressed I didn't get tickets? Get over it and move on, I guess.

Honestly, if you did get tickets I would love to hear how long it took and I truly hope you have a blast! You will love it!!

I miss the tent already....

Whoever came up with the idea to do tickets for the WhiteHouse EasterEggroll online is a BOZO!!! The internet is nice and all, and I know Obama is the "technology" President, but not when a bazzillion people are all trying to get the same thing!! I am so annoyed-if we were allowed to camp out, I know I would have tickets, but now I have to check the computer every chance I get to see if it is the "various" time of the day they feel like dolling more out....ugh....I have been waiting for the eggroll this year since we left the White House grounds last year. I have been getting so excited that Easter is coming so we could go again, and now I have absolutely no idea if we will be able to go....so disappointing....what an annoying wait.....AHHHHH! If it ain't broke don't fix it-let us camp out!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crazy Third Child

So this third child we have is a total crack up!! He pickes up everything his siblings say and is so funny, although lately much more opinionated and passionate about what he wants. This morning Landon wanted something from from the fridge and I closed it and did the fridge lock. He looked right at me and said "you mean mommy." Really.....now where did he hear that? He is really funny at bedtime. Everynight he has to turn the light off and I lay he and Spencer down, tell as story and as I leave, I hear him say "I hungry, I thirsty." Hmmm, where did he hear that? Tonight as I was leaving he insisted I get him some raisins!!

We are trying time outs with him, and he sees that his brother doesn't like them much, so he doesn't either. He has to try everything he sees Jordan and Spencer do....yikes!! I remember how I thought Spencer was a little Dennis the Menace, but I can honestly say that Landon is giving him a run for his money!!! Yesterday we had Jordan's girls club. I took a treat and after we served it, I put it on the counter. I was talking to the other moms, then all of a sudden I heard one of them say "Oh no Landon." He had watched me put the cookie ( a big frosted choc chip cookie) on the counter and when I wasn't looking he pulled it onto the floor and was digging into it!! He is talking in full sentences ( in this really cute little deep voice), which is really cute until he talks back-and he isn't even 2 yet...yikes:)

He loves Spencers tumbling class and is really good at some of the things. He has great balance and loves to walk across the balance beam. There is also a sort of half ball thing -flat on top rounded on the bottom, and he loves to stand on it while I move it-so daring!! He also loves to hang from the parallel bars and do rolls down the triangular mat. I sure do love him though-he is so happy, playful and full of energy, and his laugh is infectious!!

Landon sure keeps me on my toes, but he makes me so happy at the same time!! I don't know what I would do without him, and his big brother and sister who teach him so much!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Yummy Recipes

I have tried a couple new recipes from our ward's new cookbook in the last week that we really loved. Thought I would share:)

This one is soooo good. The chicken is really moist and juicy.

Yogurt Parmesan Chicken
4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1/2 c. parmesan cheese
2 c. plain yogurt 2 c. crushed ritz crackers
2 T. garlic salt 2 T. melted butter

Mix Ritz crackers, salt, and parmesan cheese together. coat chicken with yogurt and then cracker mixture. Place in baking dish sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Gently drizzle with melted butter. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

( The only thing I may change is a smaller amount of garlic-really garlicky:)

Italian Crock Pot Chicken

4-6 chicken breasts
1 8 oz cream cheese
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 package of Good Seasons Italian Soup Mix.

Place chicken in crock pot. Mix together cream cheese, soup and seasoning. Pour over chicken. Cook on high in crock pot for 2-3 hours.

We had it over rice and it was great!! Easy and delicious....the way to go:)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

*Venting alert-read with caution* 5 and a half years later...

I still feel bad about having a c-section. I don't know why this is hitting me so strongly today, but I have been fighting these feelings on and off since I had Jordan. I just read another story of an "almost c-section" which didn't end up that way because of a priesthood blessing. I have heard a few women tell me they were so close to having a c-section, but then got a blessing from their husband and their labor progressed to a vaginal delivery. I am always happy for them, as it is so much better and they will probably avoid future c-sections, but then feel so horrible and guilty that I did not think to ask Darin for a blessing when I was in labor. Did I lack faith, why didn't I think of it? I beat myself up soo much that I just lay there in so much back pain and finally got an epidural instead of asking Darin for a blessing. Why didn't I think of it? Why didn't Darin? I just want to cry, I am crying.... If I had, would I have progressed, would I have been able to have Jordan vaginally and avoided 3 c-sections? I wouldn't feel so bad each time I hear of successful vaginal deliveries, and maybe not feel like a failure? Jordan told me the other day that she didn't want to have a baby because she didn't want to have her tummy cut open...man did that feel like a dagger to my heart....

In the end I guess I have to repeatedly remind myself that I have 3 beautiful, healthy children and that it shouldn't matter how they got here, just that they did.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I am so happy!!

I am so excited about news I just read in the paper...Fairfax county School Board voted last night NOT to change the bell schedule!!!! Woo Hoo!! I won't have miserable mornings next year!!! Thank you to the 10 board members who said NO!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I am Superwoman....

well, crazywoman may be more like it. I had 5 kiddies in my care today....yes 5 children ages 5 and under!! I had Jordan home sick and had already committed to watching 2 little kids that my friend Carla usually watches, but couldnt' today. So my day started early. Actually I do have toot my horn and say I worked out at 6:00 am again today:) It has been so great to get back into it.

Anyhow, it was a pretty good day for the most part. There were some funny moments, and some hairy moments, but all in all, it was good.

Funny/cute/endearing moments:
  • Watching me load and unload the 5 kids into my mini van. When we got home from getting Spencer from school, Landon was asleep so I did it in shifts. Pretty funny.
  • Seeing all Spencer's little animals piled on the little 3 month old baby when he was sitting in the bouncy seat. He seemed very entertained by Spencer, and Spencer was thrilled to have him at our house. Spencer is very taken with babies these days. He loves talking and holding them. Sooo cute.
  • Landon went to time out with the little 2 year old girl after she got time out for hitting him. It was so cute-I have a cute picture, but not my kid, so better not put it on.
  • Jordan announcing that she was in charge of the little girl. She read her books, put her in the portacrib, and told her when she needed at time out. First born child? Think so!!
  • Watching my children interract with our cute visitors. They loved having them at our house, and Darin wouldn't like to hear that it makes me want another baby. They were all just sooo cute with the baby. Spencer wanted to help me feed it, although Jordan was a little concerned that I didn't make any "mommy's milk."

Hairy/stressfull moments:

  • The baby crying for his bottle when I was trying to finish Spencer's Lunch, get shoes on 4 other children, making sure Landon and Spencer ate breakfast. He got fed and Spencer was on time to school.
  • Putting 5 children in my van.
  • breaking up fights between two 2 year olds...well one is almost 2
  • Diapering 3 children. Think I changed approximately 11-12 diapers today.
  • Trying to keep things picked up....not happening much with my own 3, so definitely not happening with 2 extra!!

The funny thing is what happened after the kiddos left. Darin brought pizza home since I had enrichment tonight-which was really great. Anyhow, I had it all set out and then the meltdowns. started. When do Jordan and Spencer think the world is going to fall off it's axis if they don't get the only cheap throw away red spoon? You know the ones I mean-the take and toss ones. Well, I threw it away, and Jordan dug it out. She didn't like the pizza, Spencer was mad when I ate the crust he didn't want....Jekyll and Hyde.....yikes. All the while these two had problems, this is what Landon was doing....

But if I don't have the red spoon, life is over.
I am a bad mommy, Spencer tells me when I throw the spoon away.

Well, maybe we'll stick with 3, at least for now:)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Three children-one sick, one playful, one trouble maker

Playful child Trouble maker: How did your pants get wet Landon?
Oh, I see. A little stuck?

Sick child. I feel like a lousy mother to my poor sick child. Yesterday she told me her throat hurt before school. I gave her motrin and told her to go to the nurse if she was in too much pain. Well, wouldn't you know it she did, and where was I? Volunteering in Spencer's class...in the same building....a just a hallway away from where she was....just missed her path to the nurse... ugh! There was a message when I got home so I called the nurse back. She said Jordan went back to class when I wasn't home. (I was so frustrated because in the morning I had a thought to give her teacher Darin's cell in case she felt bad, and didn't do it. I had my Darin's cell with me in the school and could have taken her when I took Spencer home.) I said I would come get her, but the nurse said to wait to see if Jordan went back in. Yes, I had the feeling to just go get her right then, but didn't. I got a phone call an hour later and ended up going to get her. We had a rough night...so called the dr. in the morning. Poor thing has strep and I feel horrible. The small consolation is that the nurse said the test works best if the symptoms were there over 24 hrs. So she layed around and watched TV all day and will do more of the same tomorrow.

Lesson learned: listen to the little things you hear in your head that you think are silly....they are put there for a purpose!!

Jordan did a really cute thing last night, though. Well, in the wee hours of the morning I should say. When I put her to bed I asked her if she wanted her daddy to give her a blessing.
She said no, so I told her that anytime she wanted she could come get daddy. Well she was up a few times getting a drink and needing help, so at 3:30 she came crawling in our bed crying for daddy to give her a blessing. He took her to her room and gave her a blessing. I sat on our bed crying so thankful for the priesthood in my home and for a sweet little faithful girl who was brave and asked her daddy. Darin gave her the blessing and she slep until 8:30!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What have we been doing lately?

I always feel like I am playing catch-up on my blog, but at least I do it. This is why I don't keep up in my journal-blog takes preference-it is so much easier and more fun than writing in a journal. I think being able to add pictures is great and now the fact that we can make the blog books, well, I am happy about that. I know I should have a personal journal for thoughts, feelings, insights, etc-maybe someday.

Now after that long intro, here are just a few things we have been doing lately. I have decided to get myself motivated, I am going to jog a 5K that the kids school is sponsoring. It is for the National Autism Society-they have a preschool autism program in the school-different from Spencer's class. I figure it's a great cause, get back in shape, we all win. So, I have been trying to get back into my exercise routine. Here's what the boys did yesterday while I was doing the WII Fit. They think it is great to watch. Landon will stand on the board and say "I do WII Fit." It is really cute. This is what the boys look like at 6:30 am, yep 6:30 am!! I guess it is an answer to prayers that they have been the source of me having to get up early a few mornings this week:) You'll understand why there is no actual photographic proof of me exercising....

The following pictures are what happened Sat night while I was making dinner.

Jordan and Spencer at the table doing art work. Actually playing really nice and having fun.

Darin in his favorite position watching the news.

Landon in the kitchen cooking up his own masterpiece. I put the camera away before he spilled raisins all over and was mixing them up. He loves this game and insists on being right under my feet as I cook. He also had lots more pans and spoons out by the time I was finished with dinner. Speaking of dinner, how many of you moms can actually start eating before your husband is finished? Just curious...doesn't happen much here:)

On Friday night I decided to try home made pizza with the Trader Joe's pizza. In the past I have had some trouble trying to get it to turn out the way I want. I struggled with rolling it out to a nice crust. Well, I was very excited that finally I made it work!!! I finally figured out that I should set it out all day, and that it would work if I could use my pampered chef pastry roller!! Yeah, success...finally! And did I mention I tried the herb dough and it was great.

wonderful little gadget!! Kids now love it for playdough.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

We had a fun St. Patrick's Day:) We were all adorned in green, which happens to be my favorite color, so it is great!! We went over to our friend Carla Price's house for some corned beef and cabbage. It was so fun. The kids have a great time playing with her girls and the dinner was sooo yummy! The kids were exctied to see the green rolls and green rice crispie treats we had...yum! We also had another friend Ms. Mary over who is a good friend of Carla's and also Spencer's assistant in his preschool class. She is like a grandma to all the kids-her grandson is few weeks younger than Landon. We had a great time. Here are some pics.

We LOVE Kaalie and Sarah. The are like big sisters to our kids. They play with the boys and are never mean to them. Landon couldn't be bothered to be in a picture.... Darin and I both have Irish in us. Maney is actually a derivative of O'Mooney.

We went to a really awesome St. Patrick's Day parade in Old Town a couple of weekends ago. I have been wanting to put the pics up, so since it is St. Patty's day, here ya go!! It was awesome because they had a dog show before and we walked around for almost and hour just petting people's dogs. It was really cool to see a great Dane up close-I had never seen one. We saw a tiny little taco bell dog scare away all the big dogs. It was funny. The kiddies LOVED it and we now have another yearly tradition. The parade was really cool. We packed a lunch and just parked it on the curb and hung out. It was really nice-great weather, happy kids, fun stuff to watch. Awesome!!

Landon and his many antics. This is one funny kid and he gets cuter every day. He had a great curbside seat in his stroller because if he wasn't buckled, he ran into the street.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Uh Oh.....

I think we may have a problem. Landon is 22 months, and has been in the crib longer than his big brother and sister. We never experienced them crawling out of the crib because they were in the twin bed by 19-20 months. When they were bigger, they would climb in to see their little brother, but could manage to get out pretty good by that time.

Well tonight I was telling Spencer a story and Jordan came to join in. They were laughing at my story about a bunch of dog, especially the one named "Stinky" and all of a sudden Jordan says "mom, look at your son." Guess who was danglin his leg over the crib....yes, the little stinker has figured out that he can get his leg up. Puts a new twist on bedtime and naptime.... I am a little worried now-this kid is capable of a lot.

This morning while I was cooking breakfast, he was at the table with Darin. All of a sudden I heard Darin yelling "No Lanny," Landon had been standing up in the chair and pushed off the table with his little foot falling over backwards to the floor. The fall totally broke the back off the chair!! Crazy kid-hopefully I don't have to blog about any trips to the ER to fix broken bones!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Jordan's new source of stress....

So, the dentist gave Jordan a warning about sucking her thumb, but she has now become a stress case about it. It is amazing that she really took it to hearta nd I can tell that she is thinking so much about it. She mentioned it on the way home from the dentist, home from school, and a few times in the evening.

Then came bedtime....ugh. She falls asleep sucking her thumb, so it is and has been a great comfort. (When I ask her why she sucks, she says "because it makes me feel good." Well, after 3 failed attempts for she and Spencer to have a sleep over in her room, they were separated. Then Jordan had a breakdown. She would not go to bed, so finally I spent some time with her and she cried that she was hungry and thirsty and said "my mouth is dry if I can't suck my thumb." Oh man, what's a mother to do. Let her worry and feel bad and stress out at bedtime, or strike the following deal. We decided that she could not suck it during the day anymore, but could suck at night for a few days, then stop. She agreed and layed right down and started sucking away. Darin wasn't too happy with the plan, said I caved. Dang it all!! We did noticed that it was not in her mouth about an hour later when we went to bed.

Any ideas for doing away with the thumb and having a happy well adjusted child after?

Friday, March 6, 2009

A trip to the Dentist

My procrastination has ended. We finally went to the dentist today. Jordan has been learning about the dentist in school, and kept asking me when we were going to go. I called one of the dentists off the list from out insurance and was amazed I got in 2 days later!! I was really worried since Jordan is 5 and a half and has never been. Now I know that sounds horrible, but I never, and I mean never went to the dentist when I was growing up, so it hasn't been in my mind like the doctor. To us as kids, the "rich" kids went to the dentist. I remember one time I was rushed in to my Aunt Sue's dentist for a horrible tooth ache, but other than that , we didn't go. Probably because my dad was a farm hand and we didn't have dental insurance.

Here is how our visit went.
Spencer in the playrom watching a little TV

Nice little play room.

Jordan gettting ready. She hopped right into the chair and was ready with her mouth open. Both She and Spencer did soo well.

Cool glasses to sheild her eyes from the light. There was only one time I was worried that Jordan was going to cry-when the hygenist told her she had to stop sucking her thumb. She said she would try and then Rose, the hygenist told her she could have an extra prize next time if she quit.

All done: NO CAVITIES:):) Yeah. I was really worried they would have horrible teeth. Jordan's only problems were plaque build up in the back molars and a bad bite from sucking her thumb. She did so well.

"Ella" the dog came for moral support:)

Next up: Spencer. He was incredibly good!! He sat so well, did everything the dentist and hygenist told him. He did bit her finger once, but I don't think she was quick enough. She did tell me he made a lot of saliva, and he bit the suction once.

Just hanging out at the dentist.

Spencer sat on my lap in during Jordan's whole exam and didn't move. He was enthralled. Jordan, on the other hand, would not sit on my lap, but had to be next to Spencer the whole time. She was quite curious about everything. It was really cute. The hygenist said that Spencer had really nice teeth. Again, NO CAVITIES:) Woo Hoo. I was told that Spencer has an overbite, so we may be looking at at least 2 kiddies with braces...who knows what will happen with Lanny.
Here we are all done. The kids were both THRILLED with the goodie bags. Jordan had to take hers into school when I dropped her off. Spencer had to take his into the restaurant when we went out to dinner and had to have it in bed with him. It was so cute. Darin and I are amazed that they loved it so much. Hopefully that will continue!!

The goody bag: the best part!!

Had to put this one in because he is just too cute!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Insights while cleaning

So, I really wanted to go to Potomac Mills and meet up with some friends who were shopping there today. But I got Jordan and Spencer into the dentist tomorrow, so I figured I should stay home today and do all the things I would have been doing tomorrow, had it been a normal day. Bummer to miss shopping....but it is nice to have clean sheets and clean clothes to wear.

I actually started last night and sorted all the laundry in the house. I went down before the kids woke up today and started a load. After I dropped Jordan and Spencer off at school, I came straight home and got cracking. I got all the laundry down and cleaned the family room downstairs and worked my way up with the vacuum. Did the kids beds, vacuumed their rooms, and played with trains with Landon in between. Now, this is not unusual, I do clean my house....well....sort of....anyhow I got to thinking as I cleaned and Landon tormented me by turning the vacuum on and off. Here are some of my thoughts

  • I know you can never imagine it, but I have been known to whine and complain about the size of my house:) So I was thinking today that I should be really grateful that I have a house to live in. I saw Oprah last week about all tent cities that are popping up all over the country...I could not believe it. Normal people who had jobs and houses then lost them both now live in tents!! Most of them had not told any family members about their circumstances. I couldn't believe that was happening!! I felt so sad for them. I have a house, I am protected from bad weather, I have furniture, running water, food and a parking spot, which I love, in general a place where our family is safe from the world. So what if I want new paint, some stuff shows signs of wear and tear, and I wish I could decorate better, it is our home and I love it. I am so grateful that Darin was so smart and bought within his means and can afford to pay for our house. On that note, I am so happy he has a pretty safe job as well! Stop complaining, Wendi.
  • I need to give myself more credit than I do. Yes, my house tends to get messy and cluttery, but under it all, there is a method to my madness. I do have things more organized than I think. Toys all have a certain place to be, even if they are not aways there. Books have a place to be, and I am anal about where they are place on the shelves...certain ones have to be together, etc. All the kids clothes they have grown out of are organized in bins in age/season groups. The kids dressers are organized and the clothes do get folded and put in the correct place. I am very anal retentive about laundry-something I love to do. I know, very crazy. I realized if I just keep on top of it, the kids things are organized. So what if sometimes we go to bed with toys all over the floor, they will be there in the morning...and yes, Jordan loves to use the dining room as her personal office, but at least she can write and is close to being called a readery. I do have to figure something out for papers that pile up-ya know mail and school papers, etc, but overall, I am not doing as bad as I usually think I am.
  • As I cleaned, I realized how blessed our children are. Man, they really have so many wonderful toys, books, DVD's lots of nice clothes, they have good food, and a father who can pay the mortgage and has a good job. I had to remind myself that when I think something like "the boys really need a train table" that they really don't. I did also find many, many things, mostly toys that lay untouched, that will be sold in the consignment sale. I am not even going to give my kids the option-I am finding things little by little and am putting them away to sell. It will be interesting to see if they ask for any of it after it is gone.
  • My house is so familiar to me now,it is home. I think I have lived in this house here at 6109 Hyacinth Drive longer than any other house in my entire life. That is crazy!! I cannot believe it!! I moved in almost 6 1/2 yrs ago. We came home here as newlyweds, and have brought 3 children into hour home. We have had so much fun here. Rough times as well, but many many laughs. We have wonderful neighbors who have been so good to us through the years. With all my whining, moaning, etc, if we ever decide to move, it will be really emotional to leave this house.

Does this happen to you when you clean your house? I guess I really need to clean more. Makes me thankful. And it is sooo nice to sit in a clean house. I do love my house and am very grateful for it. So if you ever hear me whine and moan about it, please remind me of this post:):)

Monday, March 2, 2009

More Snow!!

When I looked at my e-mail last night I was annoyed that they had already called school off. When I woke up in the morning, I realized why....It was a lot more than I expected, even though it wasn't much for some places. It was really windy so I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go outside. I finally gave in to some really cute faces:)

Here is all the gear....the suiting up starts! 3 cute kiddos ready to go play in the snow!!
Can't play in snow without making angels:)

Uh Oh, Lanny fell down and wasn't too happy...

A little happier here...

Spencer was a little cold-he has the least tolerance to being cold.

All Jordan wanted to do was eat snow. I would have thought a freezing cold face would have turned her off, but she loved it!

And all the gear after the kids ripped it all off!