Spencer is in Pre-school!!!
We weren't sure if they were going to let Spencer start today for sure because of his physical being just a week over a year ago. The ladies in the office were super nice. I did all the paperwork, then ran to the doctor and copied his shot record and took it back to the school. So, here is our new preschooler!! Wow, he looks like such a big boy-I can't believe it!!
The backpack is as big as he is!!
My Two students off to school. I was taking Spencer's picture and Jordan wanted in on it as well.
We found Spencer's shape on the wall. I am not sure that at this point he really know what was about to happen, but when I turned him over, he walked in and didn't look back!! I think I cried more then than I did leaving Jordan in kindergarten. I know he is ready,but I just worried that he would be scared. He has the same teacher that Jordan did-Ms. Sally; but a different assistant-Ms. Mary. I know her pretty well through a friend in our ward, and she is wonderful.She has a grandchild the same age as Landon. He is pretty good hands:)
Here's my happy boy! All ready to go.
I was very happy to get a glowing report when I picked him up and my worries were for nothing!! He told them when he had to go to the bathroom so he had his original clothes on. Here are some highlights from the teachers:1. He told them when he had to go to the bathroom-yeah!!!2. He held a little boy's hand when they were walking outside, and the little boy was crying. On his own, Spencer said "you don't have to cry." Spencer sat by this boy at lunch, and the boy didn't cry as much the rest of the day.3. At lunch, he said to the assistant "I smell poopy." She asked him if it was him, and I guess he very emphatically said "nooo" and sure enough another little boy had a poopy diaper.4. Miss Sally wrote in his book that he did really well and will be a wonderful addition to the class.Yeah Spencer-way to go!!! Mommy is so proud!!
So he finished potty training huh? And MIss Sally...on well. But he is such a big boy. Glad that he did so well.
Yeah, I was bummed about Sally because they switched Carol to the 3 yr. olds and her class was full. When they assigned the models, the thought Spencer was only 2 when school started, so he is in the older 2 young 3 class. Hopefully next year he can go to the 4's because he will go to kindergarten when he is 5. He will have fun anyway!!
Oh, fully potty trained!! It just clicked one day and he is actually is better at this point that Jordan was:) Always tells me and will go himself-which Jordan took months to do.
Yeah!! He does look like such a big boy with his backpack on. Glad that the first day went well.
Wow, I hadn't read your blog for a little bit, and there's so much to catch up on. Yeah, I will definitely cry when my girls are old enough for school. I love being with them all day everyday. (most of the time :)..he he he... You're a great mom Wendi!!
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