Friday, February 20, 2009

What can you do in 4 hours?

I will tell you!! Here is my crazy morning:

8:15-load up 3 little kids into car, but run back in to get mittens for the 2 oldest who are crying because their hands are cold.

8:25 drop Jordan off at school and head to Safeway.

8:25 ish-8:55 pick up some great sale items at Safeway. Can't beat Ragu for .99 a jar!!

9:00 leave Spencer at preschool, run groceries in the house and grab Lanny's mittens since he was screaming "mittens" over and over again. Head to the bank to deposit checks. Yeah for birthday money:)

9:20 ish go in K-Mart to pick up two new booster seats. The were $18.99, with buy one get one free!! Can't beat that.

9:30 go to Weight Watchers.

10:15 head to Giant for more sale items. Double coupons as well...woo hoo!!

11:15 or so head home, put food away, give Landon a quick lunch.

11:35-12:15 Go to Spencer's school and help clean kids up from lunch and put them on the bus.

12:30 read Lanny some books, put him down for nap, and finally....

Eat my lunch and read a little of the paper. (Spencer got to watch a litle Bob the builder while I relaxed a bit:)

And that folks is what you do with 4 hours.

I was so proud of myself because I had all the grocery store sale papers and went through and got all the deals and had coupons at each store. Giant has double coupons, and Shoppers had triple up to .55, and double up to 1.00. Such excitement. Oh, and I was proud of myself because I took the kids to Shoppers after school to get some final sale items, and there were employess smoking right next to the carts. It was really strong smelling, and I was soo mad. This has happened before and I have written at least 2 complaints. Well, one of the employees heard me explaining to Jordan about writing a complaint. They got on the phone and called the store manager. He came out really quickly and I got to voice my concern to him in person. He apologized and assured me he would remedy the problem. He was really nice.

So Darin and I just ended the day watching High School Musical 3, which was a nice sit back an relax movie. A little peanut butter and chocolate ice cream helped as well!! Tomorrow I get to disinfect the whole kitchen since we have nocturnal visitors. Traps are set so we'll see we what we find in the morning!!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Well, that sounds like a full day!! Your back at Weight Watchers huh? I totally NEED to do something. I am trying to get motivated, but haven't quite gotten there yet. And I really should be!!!!!!

Lea said...

Who says SAHMs don't work!!?? Great job! Way to make the most of 4 hours.