Thursday, June 4, 2009

A stacker and a dumper

So I have one child who stacks and one who dumps. The above picture, though not the best one, shows one of Spencer's hobbies. He loves to to do this when we get home from school and I am taking Landon up to put him down for a nap. He will take every single DVD out of the entertainment center, make these stacks. One day he added all the CD's and was starting on videos.

Now on to the dumper. Landon loves to dump anything out. Here's a list of his conquests:

~bags/boxes of pretzels, cereal, cookies-any food item he can get his fingers on.
~bins of toys
~baskets of laundry-dirty, clean, folded-he has not a preference...although the recently folded is my least favorite!!
~chocolate syrup
~shampoo-he dumped 2 entire bottles of kid shampoo out in a week.

fun with frosting
He felt like this thing of cookies needed some frosting.
My question is: what will become of my stacker and dumper? Engineer....architect....artist....I guess I need to focus their energy in the right direction!!!

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