Saturday, March 6, 2010

I went on vacation.....

but not what you are thinking.

Just a vacation from my blog. Not to sunny Arizona or California, not to London or Boston-my favorite cities, not to Utah to see great friends and family, not to Mt. Vernon to see the just from my blog.

Guess I'll catch up now.

I'll call this the rest of this post: the good, the bad, and the ugly

The good:
~I started a new photography class the teacher is great!!
A lot of it is review, but has been explained to me much better than the last class I took.
I'll do a post on that next:)
~Today was Sarah Price's baptism: Yeah Sarah!!!
~Jordan is reading better and better every day. She will read books to her brother at bedtime-sooo cute!
~having a diagnosis on my back problem and starting physical therapy. It's going well and I feel improvement. Learning how to do more with butt and leg muscles vs my back.
~crocus blooms-purple ones-spring is coming!!!
~tulip buds coming through the flowerbeds!!
~yummy girl scout cookies
~I did cook a couple yummy meals this week.
~Having a friend call and ask me if she could bring me anything while she was out. Then she knocks on the door with yummy cookies. Why do cookies make things "all better?"
~playing outside today
~going to Spencer's preschool and making cookies with his class. They had little chef hats and aprons. I took all the pre-measured ingredients and utensils, etc and had the kids help do all the dumping, stirring, etc. They LOVED it and I had a BLAST. I'm going to do it way more often!

The bad:
~tons and I mean tons of laundry
~ugly gray cold days
~getting Jordan to sit down and focus on doing her homework-
like pulling teeth so suggestions welcome!
~being too lazy to start potty training Landon. Tonight he put underwear on himself and didn't want a diaper. Too bad he doesn't realize what he has to do in order to wear them. Soon....
~sick children and sick daddy and mommy with horrible cold.
~when Spencer tells Patrick (the little boy I watch) to throw something at a light fixture hanging from the ceiling in the basement and from the kitchen I hear glass shatter
~eating wayyyyy too many girl scout cookies.
~we had a couple "what ever you can find" dinners this week...whoops!
~when you call your husband and he tells you he thought he was feeling sick until he realized that one of the children had turned the thermostat all the way up and the house was 80 degrees!!

The ugly:
~Barf....lots of it. Especially bad when it's on my bed twice in one week.
Here's the children's preferred barf schedule:
Jordan at 3:oo am, then again at 3:30
Spencer: first day at 11:00 & 11:20 ishpm, second day 1:30 am
Landon around 9:00pm.
Notice it is NEVER during normal waking hours!!!
~one impatient, exhausted, worn out,yelling at the kids too much,
some days no shower taking, messy haired mom.
~putting off mopping the floors wayyyy too long.

but....I'll end on the best news we've had all year:

White House Easter Egg Roll: Here We Come!!!!


Sarah said...

After all of your time with sick kids, you deserve those egg roll tickets!!

Unknown said...

I have never thought of sharing a "barf schedule." I had to laugh -- partly since I'm the grandma but also because it brings back memories of those nights when it happened at our house. I was SO TIRED the next day and had to face all that laundry. Motherhood is so wonderful.