Ok, I do not know what I do to mess up the font so badly-in my effort to be cute and fun, I can't get a consistent font. Guess there are worse things in life!!
I had a
fabulous trip last weekend. I went to Richmond with a few really cool ladies from my ward to attend
Time out for Women. Here is a link to find out more:
deseretbook.com/time-out/schedule. It is a fantastic conference put on by Deseret Book Company-just for women.
The wonderful thing about this whole trip is that my sweet husband e-mailed me the info and suggested that it was something I needed. Boy was he right. We had an awesome time! Here is a synopsis:
First of all, I was just so
thrilled to be going overnight with no children:) Darin took the day off to take Spencer to a field trip in the morning, which made him (Spence) ecstatic, then I left right when he got home. I left lots of directions, etc, then was on my merry way.
The drive went quick with
4 ladies all chatting away. We arrived a little early and found a place to eat. Not before dropping by the visitor center and learning that there are some neat things to do in Richmond. I decided not to bring my camera partly to just relax and partly to take a break as I had become frustrated, but after seeing some cool buildings, etc, I had wished I had my camera.
So we had a nice dinner and then made our way to the conference center. It was all in one big huge ballroom and there were big lines waiting to get in. We finally got in and found some good seats. It was in a huge room, and the director said
there were about 1400 women! I wondered if we would run into anyone we know, and then saw 3 ladies from Kingstowne ward.
The first musical performer was
Hillary Weeks. I have heard her name so many times, but didn't really know any of her music. Check her out on
www.hilaryweeks.com. Check out the blog-she is so funny.
Her music was so amazing. A couple of the songs just really hit home. One of them is called "just let me cry." My new theme song:) So many wonderful songs. I'll probably post some lyrics when I have more time. She was the main featured musical person for the whole time and would sing inbetween the speakers...soo wonderful-can't say enough great things about her!!
Micheal MCClean was also a performer. Cheesey, as usual, but good and enjoyable. Apparently he sufferes from depression, so he wrote a song thanking the people who discvered the medication that helps. It was something about "the pills" and we were laughing hysterically. Wish I had a copy. I have seen him before, so it wasn't too surprising.
Friday night' had 2 speakers:
Ardeth Kapp, not to be confused with Janice Kapp Perry, and
Mark Mabry-the photographer behind theReflections of Christ series of photos.I can't find my notes from Ardeth Kapp, but she is wonderful. She was the YW General President the whole time I was in YW. She is the one who is credited for the current YW theme, and the values. I was in YW when it all changed and remember it vividly. Such a great lady.
Mark Mabry was awesome. Of course I was interested in him as he is this
amazing photographer, but he didn't really talk about taking the pics, except one story about it having to do with faith. They did show a video of the shooting of the pics. The angel pics look like they are flying because the models were jumping up and down on a trampoline. Anyhow, he told the story of how he came to do the project and it was really inspirational. I will sum it up in a nutshell-but first have to check on the cookies in the oven as the timer is going off...
He wanted a new job so was praying for it. Realized he was lowering his standards to fit the type of photography he was doing. There was a progression of things he was prompted to do in order to get the spririt in his life. First
he was told to get rid of his music. He deleted all his current music-hip hop, all of it-from his computer. He said he could hear the spirit speak to him. Next he
was told to get rid of all his art and photography books. He got really serious and said "pornography is pornograpy...even under the guise of "art" it is pornograpy. He said he feared the consequences of his boys pulling one of the books off the shelf and seeing some of the inappropriate pictures.
Next he was told to cut out all the energy drinks he was drinking. He was inspired to talk to someone at the Mesa Pagent to ask if they could do a serious of pictures of Christ's life and have help from the pagent. So then he embarked on the project.
Really, I can't put into words all that he said. He was great, and I didn't know that he has since done a similar project only based on the Book of Mormon. They had the book there with all the pictures-amazing!!! They had a mini Deseret Book Store set up in a corner of the ballroom. All the Mark Mabry products-books, CD's (music to go with pics) and DVD's were sold out before the conference even started Saturday Morning!!
Saturday's Conference
Had a good night's sleep and got back to the conference center by 8:00 for the day. We were so excited because there were some great speakers lined up. I was excited to hear Mary Ellen Edmunds who taught the sisters when I was in the MTC. She is so funny-of course she was the last speaker.
The day was a spiritual feast!!! All the speakers were wonderful and I felt so happy and peaceful. I was so grateful that I was able to go. We did run into some more friends as well-a friend who used to be in the ward who now lives in Richmond. Then I was in the bathroom and ran into another friend who was in the ward when I first moved here. So that was really nice to catch up with her.
I have been sitting here trying to decide how to document all that was said and all that I felt. I really want to share since it was so wonderful. I will just put the name and some nuggets of wisdom from the talk. I think I may do some boxes on the side as well with some of my favorite quotes.
Deanne Flynn-reporter & author, wife & mother of 7
This talk was one of my very favorite of the whole thing. I have been struggling so much lately with my feelings on how I am doing as a mother. After I heard Deanne, I felt so built up. Here are a few favorite tidbits:
-parenting is hard work and the sooner you accept that fact, the easier it becomes.
-don't lose sight of the basics by being too busy to do "fulfilling" things
-we were meant to "thrive" more than just survive.
-it's about the "memories" the "moments" the time you spend with your children-not the product.
-we are too busy doing "good" things we over look the "best" things
-she quoted the 2007 conference talk by Julie Beck "Mothers Who Know Do Less."
(tried to put the link, but too long-search it at lds.org)
-find things that last
-have dinner as a family, prayer and scripture study.
-eliminate too many outside activities.
Absolutely wonderful talk. Made me look at my being a mother in a whole new light!!
Brent L. Top
Brother Top based part of his talk on Matthew 14:24-28 where Peter steps out of the boat to walk on water. He said we have lots of times in our lives we have to "step out of the boat." He talked about being asked to do difficult things and relying on the Saviour to help us. He mentioned the part in Matthew when it says "they were come back into the boat". In Danish, come means to "walk" so Peter walked on the water as long as the Savior was with him.
-we compare our weakest weakness to someone else's strongest strength, or (I love this part) "flat out lie."
-if we try to "walk on water" ourselves, we will sink, but if we walk with the Savior we will do incredible things.
-trust in his power, promises and love.
-his power is greater than all things
I cannot sum up all he said. He was so wonderful. I so wish I could have videos of all the talks, or at least the audio recordings.
Kim Nelson
This guy was so funny-at the beginning of his talk, he got out a doily and put it on the table, then pulled out some old fashioned big glass grapes. Hysterical.
Some of his great points:
-you are powerful beyond measure
-quit comparing ourselves-we only see from our perspective
-Satan wants us to be distracted and confused
-we need to understand our relationship with our Father in Heaven is like our Father here on earth-if we allow him, he will be the first to pick us up when we fall.
-we love our children because they are ours, don't need to produce anything to be loved and Heavenly Father sees us the same way.
This was really profound. He asked us:
Sisters, if you were to see a mother treating her daughter the way you treat yourself, would you think she's a good mom? It really made me think!
-He loves us without ceasing!
-we shouldn't have a standard to judge our selves and one for others.
-see yourself as you would treat your children.
-life is not about the product, process of learning
Mary Ellen Edmunds
go about Happifying life...such a funny lady. She started by showing us her black and white stripped socks. She is hysterical. Earlier in the day when they gave out some prizes, she took the bag and was running from the winner. So funny.
-sometimes we need to be list-less
-life is good, life is wonderful
-do a self-inspection and dont' go too long without making needed changes.
be an optimist-look on the bright side.
Two perspectives of the story of Goliath
1. a pessimist says: he is so big, how could I possibly beat him?
2. an optimist says: he is so big, how could I possibly miss?
Story of lady with 3 hairs:
day one she wakes up and says "today I will wear my hair in a braid" and has a wonderful day.
day two she wakes up and has only 2 hairs left. She says "today I will part my hair down the middle" and has a wonderful day.
day three she wakes up and has only 1 hair left. She says "today I will wear a ponytail" and has a wonderful day.
day four she wakes up and has no hairs left. She says "good, I don't have to do my hair today" and has a wonderful day.
-God helps us do things we can't do
-hymn where can I turn for peace..he "reaches my reaching"
-cheerfully do all things
John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you."