Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Landon has a playdate!

I had a ray of sunshine amid the stress and yucky feelings I have been feeling this week.

It came in the form of two cute little kiddos-Landon and his little friend Erin from preschool. She came over to play today and they ended up outside-all wet.

I was in the kitchen getting some stuff ready for dinner and Erin came running up to ask to put the leotard on that was in her backpack. I said ok, then realized that they wanted to play outside with the water table. I dropped what I was doing and got Landon in his bathing suit.

They had a blast! When it started off, Erin didn't want to get wet, but in the end both kids were soaked and smiling:)

Just hanging out.

I LOVE this smile:):) How can this face not cheer you up? This afternoon got me excited for summer!!

1 comment:

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow, it's been raining here so much. On and off....mostly on. Only a warmish day here and there. I really really can't wait for a day warm enough to be outdoors, and to be wet!