Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So, I think I lost a battle today. I was determined not to, but in order to save my sanity I lost. It all started when the boys were watching TV. I went up stairs to make a lunch for after Spencer's tumbling class. Landon was a little pill and kept changing the buttons on the TV, which was too much for Spencer to deal with. He immediately started screaming for me to come fix the TV. I yelled down and told him to come upstairs and he could watch it up there until we had to leave. He carried on screaming, while the little trouble maker happily went on his merry way. I got the lunch ready, Landon's shoes on, my shoes on, and was ready to walk out the door.

Oh, the whole thing started about 10:40 or so. So by this point Spence had been yelling for 10-15 minutes-just laying in themiddle of the floor screaming. I kept saying to come up because I was leaving. I would slam the door to make him think I left....I could have driven off and come back in an hour and he would still be there having his fit. Telling him you are leaving does not work!!! I was quickly loosing patience because we were for sure going to be late. I kept telling Spencer that Landon would be in his class and he would be home alone. Nothing phased him.....ugh.....

So here is where I lost. I had told myself that I would not cave in and go get him, but when nothing I tried worked I ended up going downstairs and carried him kicking and screaming and barefoot to the car. I had to wrestle him into his carseat as well. I get so annoyed when that happens. I just wanted him to come up on his own.....ugh....well, he went to his class all red and puffyeyed, but luckily he perked up quickly and you would never have known he had a huge fit..... Spencer doesn't really have too many fits, but boy when he does it is a doozy!!

Lesson learned: turn the tv off way before you have to take your child to a class!!


Ryann said...

You are way too nice-I would not have taken him. I would have let him cry himself into a nap. You were a nice mom today!

Wendi said...

I am also a cheap mom-I couldn't have standed it if we missed a class we paid for just because he had a fit!!

Jill said...

I'm cheap too. I hate to miss those classes. Though I don't think there's anything wrong with giving a warning and then carrying the kid kicking and screaming. I once put Liz in the bathtub with her clothes on because she refused to undress herself during the allotted time. I have also had to cut out t.v. time when we have somewhere to go like school. You know how slow Lizzie is. She doesn't need another distraction. . . .

Lynette said...

I feel your pain! That sounds all too familiar!

rachael said...

Why is it that kids always choose the time to have a fit when you need to be out the door?? That happens to us all the time. Yesterday, Caleb told me that him and Riley were going to stay home and I could go away. I wanted to say, OK, see you later!!!

Dan and Sharon said...

Wendi- Just wanted to wish you a fantastic birthday this year. I hope you get tons of hugs and kisses from your three main men and you pretty princess. Have a great birthday!

Ryann said...

I was waiting for you to have a birthday post so this will have to do. Happy birthday!!! HOpe it was good!