Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A busy fun week!!

Here is our week in review!!

Today was a busy day at school. We had 2 big fun events. Here are pictures of the school assembly. I haven't been able to go in the past since it is in Landon's nap time, but I put him down early and woke him up early. It was well worth it. It was a blues singer and the kids really loved it. Jordan was ecstatic when she waw us sitting in the gym. I should have had the camera to capture it. I could see her dancing around during the performance.

This is how the boys enjoyed it:

Landon wasn't feeling too well today, but enjoyed the music anyway. Usually he sucks his first finger, but his thumb was more appealing this time. He clapped his hands while keeping his thumb in his mouth...it was so funny.
Multi-tasking: I can suck my thumb and clap at the same time!!

The big day we have all been waiting for:
100th Day of School!!
And we can proudly say Jordan hasn't
missed a single day!!
Jordan made a project with 100 items and there was a huge build upto the parade. Spencer was in school so Landon and I went to the school for the big parade. Jordan was so happy when she saw us. The picures didn't come out as well as I would have liked, but you can get the idea.
Jordan was thrilled when she saw us standing there.

Landon wanted to walk with his big sister.

Happy 100 day to you Jordan!!

We decided to let the kids celebrate my birthday on Thursday since we were getting a sitter and going out on Friday. Darin took Jordan and Spencer to the store and of course the cake was pink. Spencer wanted blue, but you know who won out!! Yummy cake:) I also got a wonderful present-Darin made me a photobook of our family. It was chronological from our wedding and was great. I could immediatley tell the hard work Darin put into it-sooo thoughtful.

Friday the 13th
Happy 37th birthday to me!!
It was a great day for many reasons:
*I lost a little bit when I weighed in.
*my house was clean for company coming.
*my best friends in the whole wide world came for the weekend. They arrived while I was getting Spencer from school and in the 40 minutes I was gone Marion managed to clean my kitchen....
*I took cupcakes to Jordan's class since it was her half birthday on Sunday. ( I was excited because I got a super cool new cupcake carrier..no more smashed cupcakes!!) She was so excited. When we got there, she was actually delivering her valentines. Karin walked up and surprised her. She had an awesome expression, and gave Karin a big hug. It was quite chaotic helping 24 kindergartners hand out valentines that they can't read!! We helped them deliver, much to the assistance pleasure! It was fun to be able to be in Jordan's class since I don't have the chance to help much.
*Aunties, as we call our friends, brought lots of fun presents for the kiddos. Spencer got a really cool "Hess" truck with a front loader in it. He loves it! It lights up and does all kinds of cool things. Jordan got a couple little ponies and fairies, which she absolutely loves, and Landon got a really cool book-the foam kind with pieces that come out. Our Aunties love us so much!!
And we went to the Melting Pot for my birthday dinner!! It was fun because we got a sitter and Karin and Marion came with us. Of course we all loved it and could have used wheel barrows to cart us all out. The food was so yummy-my favorite was the strawberries in chocolate!!
What an Awesome birthday!!

Saturday Feb 14th: Happy Valentines Day!!
We hung out most of the morning on V-day. Darin ran a couple errands, then Karin and Marion and I went shoe shopping since Marion forgot her church shoes. I came out with a new pair of shoes for my birthday. Thanks Aunties!!
We were able to drive Jordan and a few other girls from the ward to Sarah Price's birthday party. It was fun having all the little girls giggling away in the car. The party was at a little ceramics studio where you get to pick a piece and paint it. What a great idea. Carla made each girl and apron with her name and there was a cute pocket sewed on where they all could put the little stuffed animal they got as a party favor. Carla knows how to do birthdays!!

The adorable birthday girl Sarah.

Jordan and Emma both picked Unicorns to paint.

such concentration!

Later that night, Darin and I were able to go out to dinner and a movie without children!! Aunties so nicely volunteered to watch them for us. Yeah!! We tried a new restaurant calle Houlihans, and it was great food. We went to see Coraline, and it was excellent. Not really a movie for the little ones, but older kids and adults will love it. Darin, well I should say the kids, gave me another cute little flip photo book as well. I felt so loved!!
We had a nice day at church....especially since Jordan and Spence sat by aunties and were kept busy!! I actually sat right next to Darin in sacrament meeting....haven't done that in a very long time:) My class was good and one of my little girls was the CTR spotlight and recieved her CTR ring. She was ecstatic-jumping up and down screaming for joy. It was sooo cute.
We just had lunch, then I took Aunties into town for a little bit. We watched planes take off at gravely, which they loved. The little doggie Ella loved it because she made lots of new friends. Dogs are so cute when they make new friends. We then went and saw the WWII monument, since Marion and Karin had never seen it. I sat out and watched Ella since she couldn't go in. They really enjoyed it, then we headed home for a yummy dinner. For most of the evening the kids just ran around with Ella.

Landon woke up from his nap very thirsty....

Jordan loves her aunties!!! And Ella of course.

Since the temple is open on some Monday Holidays, Darin volunteered to stay home with the kiddies so I could go do a session. It was so nice since I hadn't been in a while. Karin and Marion came, as well as a friend of theirs who was riding home to Boston with them. It was so nice to be in the temple with such good friends. Karin was my escort when I received my endowments in the DC temple in 1993!!! Pretty special place for all of us. It was also cool because the DC temple president is Elder Tingey, and he was shaking hands in the hallway as you walked in. I chatted on the way in and the way out. Very cool.

Shoot, I just lost a pic of the group of us...pressed delete one too many times. Shouldn't be so anal about having big spaces between pictures I guess......

Tuesday: the tale of Two Mice.....
Well, actually 3 mice but I will explain later.
It was the PTA fundraiser at Chuch E. Cheese on Tuesday. I, much to his chagrin, drug Darin out to take the kids to play for a while. Jordan came home with a sticker on for free tokens, and it was all she could talk about. So I really wanted to go. It was really fun. We didn't eat, just played for a while. We didn't see Jordan the whole time as she was running around with friends. We had fun with the boys.
They have a really cool new horse race ride, which the boys really loved.

Lanny wasn't too sure about this one....

Lanny had to ride with Spencer or he didn't weight enough to make the horse go...

Another new really cool ride. The kids lean back on the chair and it vibrates and shakes as they watch a motion action movie. It was really cool. This was right before we left and Jordan and her friends must have done it about 5 times. Next time I am going to try it.

So....onto the second and third mouse of the evening. We have had suspicions of mice, well, actual proof if you know what I mean. And Darin did see one run across the floor yesterday. We had some new mouse traps and decided to take action. Darin set 2 of them up in the laundry room. We were down there literally 10 minutes after he set the trap and snap....got one!! The poor thing was caught by his tail and shaking. Darin took him to the woods and let him go. Then again about 3o minutes later....snap....another one. This one's fate was much worse......The problem we have is that the one Darin saw was black, and these 2 were grey. Now there are lots more traps set!! So far today they have avoided them, but maybe tonight we will get lucky again!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Wow, looks like you guys have been busy having fun!! I'm so glad we get to stay in touch this way :)

Ryann said...

Super fun recap!

Chanda said...

Happy Birthday Wendi! You sound very happy and busy. Darin gives such thoughtful gifts. I would LOVE something like that.