Sunday, July 25, 2010


Starting early this morning, we have had some funny conversations in this house. I wanted to write them down to keep for posterity.

About 8:00 this morning, both Landon and Jordan come into our bed. Darin and I were both just in our garments since the top floor of the house gets the hottest. (Although I do have to interject that we had an attic fan installed a couple weeks ago and we have felt a difference:)

Here's how it went

Jordan: Daddy, why do you have pants underwear?
Darin:That's just the kind I have.
Jordan: Mommy has pants underwear, too.
Darin: yes, that's what we have.
Jordan:But Karly's mother had colorful ones. Why don't you have colorful ones?

( She has seen Karly's mom change out of her bathing suit-very discretely and respectfully- in the locker room at the pool. We have had this conversation many times. She just can't get her head wrapped around garments:) So funny.

It continues:

Jordan: Daddy, When did the world start?
Darin: When God made it and Adam and Eve lived on it.
Jordan : When did the church start?
Darin: When the world started.
Jordan: Well who were the first people to go to church?

We proceeded to have a discussion about how the gospel has been taught for a long time and that Jesus created the church when he was on the earth.

Jordan: Well, we have the truth in our church but Lizzie doesn't.
Mommy: Yes she does, she goes to our same church.
Jordan: No she doesn't, she goes to a different one.

We proceeded to have a discussion between the difference between the words "religion" and "church." That you can go to the same church, but different buildings. Very hard for little brains to understand.

Now to Spencer. This kids cracks me up.

Right before lunch, both Spencer and Jordan had to go to the bathroom-this inevitably happens right before we want to say a blessing on the food. So Jordan was on the main level, and Spencer went up stairs. When Jordan got back, she asked where Spencer was. I told her he went up to go "poop" Yeah, I know- we probably use that word too freely in our house.

Jordan:No he's not-he's probably just playing.
Me: No, I think he really had to go. Why don't you go check on him.
Jordan: I will.

So she goes up and comes back down to tell me he was going potty and playing at the same time.

Spencer comes down and hands me his pants and underwear. He cannot go potty with his pants nda underwear on!!! I don't know what he is going to do when he goes to school. We get him dressed.

He has his hands full of these styrofoam dinosaur shapes they play with in the tub. I ask him what he is doing with all those in his hands.

He says to me in a sing-song type manner "I poop and play. While I poop, I play."


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