Friday, October 2, 2009

fun at the farm!

We had a great time at Cox Farm the other day. We go every year and love it!! There is so much to see and do-you could really stay all day. We went right after the kids got out from early release at school Monday. We had a great group of friends along and had a really fun time. It is funny, though how the kids change from year to year. Last year Lanny didn't do much, but this year he let me take him on all the slides; where as Spencer didn't want to get out of the stroller the first little while. He didn't want to go down any slides....until his little friend Amelia got him to go. The boy is letting girls influence him already...that's other story!!

So the in the above collage....yes, still having trouble typing on the tops of my pics after I post them...Lanny is crying because a goat took the entire thing of food out of his hand in one fell swoop!!! Stinky goats!! We do have fun feeding them, though. There are also pictures of the rope swing, which all the kids could have stayed at all day. Spencer, once again finally had the nerve when Regan, the big sister of the little boy I babysit, helped him. She also helped Landon, who made everyone laugh because he just held on and swung back and forth. It was really funny. Jordan loved it and went over and over.

The boys with some fun feet. Notice the clouds in the picture with the castle. That is how they looked when we first got there. We were worried we would be rained out, but it was blue skies by the time we left.

We had so much fun on the slides. Jordan wouldn't go on the great big one, but I drug Landon. He was funny-would get a little scarred on each hump as we slid down.
So all these pictures are in collages because I have edited them, but don't know how to get them on the blog from Picassa or Elements. I figured out one way at the very end of my computer time today, but didnt' have time to save each individual picture. They are so much better after they have been edited...not all of them need it, but anyhow. It is fun to take a dark picture and make it light, mess with color, contrast, etc. I really like it and hope to get good at making the pictures look the best. I have more of cute little Alaina eating her apple....sooooo cute!!!!

I have been so scarred of trying to do my own photograpy business because of how good some women have been in the past and are in my ward currently, but I think if I can get composition and editing down, I can do it....just have to get up the nerve....

1 comment:

Ryann said...

I so miss that place!