I wanted to do an update on the kiddos. I love to update every so often for a few reasons:
1. to keep up to date on their growth and development.
2. they do funny and entertaining things I don't want to forget.
and probably the most important:
3. It helps me to remember why I love them so much and may increase my patience-even if it is for a short period of time:)
Here are my kiddos in a nutshell:
Jordan Elizabeth
Here are a few things I have been loving about Jordan lately:
- Jordan loves school. She has started to love reading more and is getting better. She is well loved at school-many mornings little girls come up to the car when I drop her off and she'll go walking into school holding hands with her friends.
- Jordan loves to write. She constantly, and I mean constantly has a writing utensil and pice of paper of any sort-her preference is any kind of writing pad. Her writing and drawing is lying about all over the house- although luckily not on the walls anymore:)
- My sweet girl now has a love of knee socks and skirts. She would wear them everyday if she had more. They are really cute too, darn you Children's Place for such cheap cute clothes.
- What a good big sister Jordan is becoming. She loves her brothers and even though they have their moments, she will take care of them and plays with them.
- What and imagination!! Jordan is always making up games and loves to play make believe.
- Jordan is learning to be responsible. She takes her chore of putting the silverware away very seriously.
This is an outfit she put on Sunday afternoon. Tights, leotard, paper tie, helmet ....oh shoot-blogger is out to get me again-I don't know what I pushed, but the picture ended up at the top-just when I thought I would have a nice normal post!!!!
Playing with blocks for part of our FHE lesson.
I just love this little boy. He is such a joy to have around and is growing and changing so much. Here are some of my favorite things about Spencer:
- Spencer is a great helper in his preschool class and loves his new friends. He is often talking about what he does with his friends at school.
- He has a very active imagination. His teacher often tells me of the funny things that he tells the class during lunch.
- Spencer is learning at a super fast rate. He is very into numbers lately and wants to count everything. Recently we had to stop and count all the mailboxes on our street. He is very good at concentrating and can work on something for a long time.
- Spencer loves his little brother. He is playing soo well with Landon these days. The spend many mornings keep each other company.
- We are learning chores in our house and Spencer really wants to please me. He is so happy to make his bed and have me tell me how well he did.
- Spencer is such a great little friend. He shares his toys with friends and loves to play at their house. I am always told how nice he plays when I pick him up. He has a special place in his heart for a little girl in his primary class-can't blame him, Amelia is soo cute!!
One of my attempts at practicing to use my camera on manual mode.
Such a cute little face!!!
Playing with blocks for FHE-what's better than sitting on the table?
Man, this little boy cracks me up on a daily basis. Here are some great things about our little Lan Lan-as we love to call him.
- Landon has such a sense of humor. He likes to tease and have fun. We have early morning tickle sessions on our bed-oh, about 6:30 was the last one. Anytime I am on my hands knees he gives me raspberries on my back.
- Landon is learning so much. Much like his brother, he loves to count anything these days. He can make it almost to 20!!
- My little fella has a mind of his own. He is becoming incredibly independent. Last night he had shirt almost off and had a fit when I finished for him. I had to put it back on and let him do it again. He has to do every thing by himself-well, things that he can do. And don't even try to carry him-he won't have it!!
- Landon is so sweet and sensitive. He always kisses the boo boos of everyone in the family and is so free with hugs and kisses.
- This little boy is a climber and has some serious skills!!!
- Lanny loves nursery and is excited to go every Sunday. Even today during the song at the end of Sacrament, he said "I go to Nursery now." He also would love to go to school. He lines up with Spencer every time I drop him off. He will be more than ready to go to preschool next year.
- Landon idolizes his big brother and sister!! He wants to do everything they do and has to have what they have. He misses them if they are away from him.
I'll let the shirt speak for itself!!
Hmm, what can I find in here to eat?
Fun with blocks!
I am just so in love with these little people...I cannot imagine my life without them!!
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