Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good thing I love roller coasters

because today I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride!!! This day had so many highs and lows and twists and turns...even felt like I was upside down for a while. Here's how my ride went:

At about 7:15, I heard the sweetest music to a mothers ears: my 3 children playing nicely in the bedrooms. The rooms are right next to each other, so I don't know exactly where they were, just that I heard such nice playing. Jordan was letting Spencer play with her toys, etc. About 7:45 or so, Landon came in my room and put his cute little face up to the bed....he can't quite reach the top of the mattress because our bed is so high...but anyway he said "good morning mommy!" It was sooo cute.

Now the ride begins...I went to see the other 2 kiddos. They had begun to have a little spat and then I saw the Landon played his favorite game and emptied the bookshelf again...books covering the bedroom floor. The only good thing that had come out of that was that I heard Jordan reading books...really reading the words!! She has progressed a lot in the last couple weeks. I am so thankful she has such and awesome language arts teacher who's masters degree is in something specific about teaching reading.

I played my avoidance card and went downstairs to get breakfast ready so I could go to Weight Watchers. I had to clean up a mess...can't remember what now....there are so Darin was left to get breakfast on for he and the kids on his own. I weighed in and lost around a pound. A bummer, but I have to confess that I didn't really put my whole heart into it this week. The meeting was a really good lesson-reframing a bad habit to make it become good...for instance instead of thinking that you have to get a candy bar every time you are at the store just because you want one, but instead not getting one at all or getting an apple instead. Well, maybe not the best example, but anyhow, good meeting.

I ran into KMart to get some M&Ms because I have this brilliant plan to get the kids to watch General Conference with candy. Ya know...listen for some key works and get a candy for each one. Well, here's another twist...they listen only for the words we picked, but are so focused on the candy that it defeats the whole purpose. (I guess it means you shouldn't bribe your kids with candy to listen to conference.) They last about 15 minutes (roughly half way through the first talk), then they are done. I probably should have had something for them to color instead, something with pictures I guess. Of course, we tried that last time but that didn't work either. I do have to say they did better than the past, although they still insist on playing so loudly that no one can hear any of conference. I know they have to start listening to Conference, but I have to figure out what will help their little attention spans get better.

I had to leave before the session was over to go to my photography class. I have really enjoyed this class so far. Today was fun to learn some new things again-but boy was it confusing. It was about using aperture and depth of field. I didn't realized photography was so complex. There are so many variables to getting a good shot. It was a little confusing, but we went outside to figure it out for ourselves. I had a hard time. I am the type of learner that once I am shown something, I can do it. I need to find a photographer and have some one-on-one lessons. But a friend in the class showed me some books that are pretty well known in photography circles that are easy to read and learn from. I am sure going to look them up.

When I got home from class, I decided to go outside to do yard work in our back forest...oh, that is not a mistake, it is a forest!! We figure we would make the view a little better for the neighbors on both sides of us who have great yards. The children had a blast. Well, once the weed eater is stopped. Yes, I do the mowing with a weed eater because our neighbor mows our front and it was cheaper that way than to buy a lawn mower for our few square feet of grass-and easier to store. The children are having fun making mudpies, having pretend picnics with little berries that grown on one plant, just old fashioned fun.

Spencer and Landon decided they had enough and go in the house to play. I checked on them after a few minutes and they were nicely playing in the basement. I go back to work. I get carried away with my weed picking, sweeping, raking, etc, then realized I better check. Another lovely turn for me...Spencer was playing nicely in his room, meanwhile Landon helped himself to about 5 little applesauce cups from the pantry and decided they were better to splatter ALL OVER the kitchen rather than to eat them. Oh, Darin had gone to Home Depot to price a few things we are having replaced soon. Time to mop the kitchen.

Try to watch conference....yeah right. I realize this sounds horrible, but may is it hard to do with kids. I did see a little, and we taped it, so I can watch it when the kids are asleep.

We had pizza for dinner which was interesting. See yesterday on the way home from Costco, I had to stop fast when I got cut off and the pizza flew off the seat. It got a little broken up, which made baking it interesting. A few crispy parts, which luckily Darin didn't mind.

After dinner we had a clean up the living room party. I realized I have lots of work to do in the area of teaching my children how to clean up. Holy is like pulling teeth. Jordan thinks the whole house is her office...I told Darin I think I was the same way with pens and pads and writing on papers all the time when I was her age. She really needs her own desk.

Right as we were going up for baths, Spencer accidentally, purely accidentally spilled juice on Jordan which threw her into a tizzy. Did you know that tights are RUINED if they get juice on them? Note to self: you're teaching your daughter to be dramatic....calm down!!!!

So we had a pretty good bath and bedtime.....that is until Scripture reading. I have to say we have been trying so hard the last couple weeks. We haven't missed a night, but it isn't always very or so filled with the spirit!! I guess it's all about forming the habit right now. (advice in this area completely welcome!!!) I am determined to make it work, just have to keep going, I guess. They are starting to remember names and stories, so there is progress made. Oh, I was looking through the Ensign and told Darin about how the church is going to restructure the Liahona magazine. Jordan heard me and was confused..."they have the Liahona, mommy?" Pretty cute.

So here we are with Darin at the priesthood session and the kids fell asleep really well. I am going to find a good book and lay in my bed and read. A couple floors need to be mopped, there are dishes in the sink, clutter around the can wait.


Janna said...

You are exactly right. The housework can wait...because, as we all know, it just gets messed up again. I loved this, real life! I mean, not that relishing in your pain for the day...but it's so nice to read a post about a real day.

Ryann said...

WEndi you are doing such a good job! So many things to say...

First, my photography teacher was superb at teaching aperture and depth of field. I will make copies and send it to you. Also, check out pioneer woman photography site (I have a link on my blog)-she has some outstanding tutorials as well.

I bought Emi a desk totally thinking that she would use it. Yeah, not so much-she still wants to create near us but maybe some day it'll get some use.

And kudos to you and GC! We didn't even try. It started at five and would have landed right between dinner and bedtime-the worst time ever! But luckily, they will show it in sacrament meeting here at the end of the month.

And you are doing a great job! You have the patience of a saint. And you lost a pound!!!! Way to go!!!