We were so blessed to have such wonderful help after Hunter was born. Karin came the day after Christmas. She is awesome! She was super helpful with the kids, the baby, the house...everything. She cooked, cleaned, took the kids to the movies, put things together....the list goes on and on. Karin was truly a blessing to us. I was super sore in my mid-section the time she was here, so she wouldn't let me do anything too taxing. Darin was also able to go to work a couple of the day she was here and she really made sure things went well. The kids love her and I do too! We really missed Auntie Marion, but she was able to see Hunter when they stopped through on their way to Florida a few weeks ago.
So, Hunter was born the day before Karin's birthday. She kept giving me a hard time saying that we should have waited one more day. Oh, and that she was going to call him "lane" since her middle name is Elaine. Was funny.
I really love this picture. Such a great smile Auntie!!
Since Nana and Papa retired from their store, Nana has more time on her hands. She was able to come for 2 weeks!! She was such a blessing! She would hold Hunter anytime he needed some love! That's what nana's are for:) She was amazing with keeping up with the laundry, cleaning the kitchen after dinner, helping with the kids, and also came to Relief Society with me and one day I drug her all around the mall and wore her out:)
Calming down the sleepy baby. He could sleep in her arms all day.
The last day Nana was here we had Hunter's blessing in church. We were glad she could be here to share the day with us!
Thanks so much for all your help Auntie Karin and Nana! You made the transition of bringing Hunter home so much easier!!!
Maney Family Fun
Welcome to the chronicles of the Maney Family! We have lots of fun and hope you do reading our blog!!
Friday, March 28, 2014
hunters first bath
I seriously love the newborn stage. Everything the baby does is exciting. Even the 4th time around!! When we got home, it was just our family. It was a pretty good transition. The kids were excited to have Hunter home. And more so, happy to have mama home! We got home December 23rd, so in time for Christmas. I was feeling ok, but them some serious stomach pains kicked in. We had dinners brought to us, though, so that was super helpful.
I'll probably never be able to really catch up on those few weeks, but I'm going to try. Going through my memory card to get all the pic off. That helps jog the memory. So here is the first sponge bath he had at a few days old. And just like his siblings, he did not like it and screamed the whole time!
It's probably weird, but I love baby screamy faces...so cute!

Ok...just moved the pics around and don't know how I did that.
Here's and especially screamy one!
And look how swollen I was...holy cow!! Love Landon's face in this one!
I'll probably never be able to really catch up on those few weeks, but I'm going to try. Going through my memory card to get all the pic off. That helps jog the memory. So here is the first sponge bath he had at a few days old. And just like his siblings, he did not like it and screamed the whole time!
It's probably weird, but I love baby screamy faces...so cute!
Ok...just moved the pics around and don't know how I did that.
Here's and especially screamy one!
And look how swollen I was...holy cow!! Love Landon's face in this one!
Meeting baby brother for the first time.
Hunter was born on a Friday night. Of course, two siblings were thrilled to have a brother, and one was not. It's pretty easy to figure out which was which!
The kids were super excited to come and hold Hunter. The pictures didn't end up in the right order, but anyhow, they all had a turn. Jordan actually went first. She had been saying my whole pregnancy that she was going to hold him first. I thought that was fair since she was big sister. And give the fact that she was so up set to not have a sister, I really wanted her to bond with Hunter.
But I'll go in opposite order since that's how the pictures are.
I wasn't too sure how Landon would feel or act about the baby. He didn't really say too much, except that he wanted a brother. He got his wish, that's for sure!! He was super excited to hold him and kept saying how "cute" he was.
I love his smile in this pic.
And this one....can you say swoon.....
Spencer is such a sweet boy, that I knew he would take well to Hunter. He was also happy to have a brother, although towards the end of my pregnancy, he did say he would be happy if it was a girl, too.
Big brother kisses
Jordan was especially excited. She was the first one to hold him. I was anxious for her to meet him since she was not happy at first when she heard I was having a boy. She pretended it was ok, when Darin told them at the neighbors house that night, but I guess when she got home, she was angry-hid under the bed and kicked her brother.
I know that once she saw him, she would fall in love wit him. And she did! She wanted to hold him over and over! And she's a natural. She is so good with him.
The kids just passed him around and around. They kept saying how cute he was. It was such a great day!
We're now a family of 6!!!
My baby isn't the baby anymore! He really wanted to sit on the bed with me. So cute!
The kids were super excited to come and hold Hunter. The pictures didn't end up in the right order, but anyhow, they all had a turn. Jordan actually went first. She had been saying my whole pregnancy that she was going to hold him first. I thought that was fair since she was big sister. And give the fact that she was so up set to not have a sister, I really wanted her to bond with Hunter.
But I'll go in opposite order since that's how the pictures are.
I wasn't too sure how Landon would feel or act about the baby. He didn't really say too much, except that he wanted a brother. He got his wish, that's for sure!! He was super excited to hold him and kept saying how "cute" he was.
I love his smile in this pic.
And this one....can you say swoon.....
Spencer is such a sweet boy, that I knew he would take well to Hunter. He was also happy to have a brother, although towards the end of my pregnancy, he did say he would be happy if it was a girl, too.
Big brother kisses
Jordan was especially excited. She was the first one to hold him. I was anxious for her to meet him since she was not happy at first when she heard I was having a boy. She pretended it was ok, when Darin told them at the neighbors house that night, but I guess when she got home, she was angry-hid under the bed and kicked her brother.
I know that once she saw him, she would fall in love wit him. And she did! She wanted to hold him over and over! And she's a natural. She is so good with him.
The kids just passed him around and around. They kept saying how cute he was. It was such a great day!
We're now a family of 6!!!
My baby isn't the baby anymore! He really wanted to sit on the bed with me. So cute!
Kingstown pond
Something more recent. A trip back to an old favorite spot before we moved. The Kingstown pond. We used to go there all the time as it was right down the street from our house. Well it was stake conference weekend and Darin had a priesthood leadership meeting. Then he was going to switch with me so I could go to the evening session of stake conference. I decided to take the kids got get one of their favorite things-mac and cheese from Noodles and Company, then have a picnic at the pond.
I am now a huge fan of ordering food online. I specified the time I wanted it ready, and paid with my credit card. It is a horrible place for parking, so I just double parked and Jordan ran in and got it. She felt like she was in charge of something and could do it on her own, and it was quick and easy for me. That is what I call a win-win!!
So we had a nice picnic. The kids would eat, get up and see something, then eat more. When we finally finished, we fed the ducks and then managed to walk around the whole pond! Hunter finally fell asleep, so that was great!
The kids just love the woods and water, so they had tons of fun exploring.
Landon on the bridge.
Blurry, but checking things out by the water.
I love it when they get along and play so nice.
Spencer looking at something.
Action shot. Jordan and Spencer managed to stay fairly clean, but Landon ended up in the water and his shoes were muddy. It was nice for me because I got to drive Darin's new car since he didn't want muddy, dirty kids in it:)
Running on the bridge.
Nice look, Jordan.
Nice shirt, Spence:)
Funny kid!
This is how Hunter rolls!
I love the lighting in the next few pictures.
My kids have an attraction to water...they CANNOT stay away from it!
Handsome boy!
Another handsome boy!!
She didn't really want her picture taken!
Monkey boy!
Trying to get the 3 of them to do one nice picture of all 3 is nigh unto impossible!!!
Landon loves pushing the stroller!
I am now a huge fan of ordering food online. I specified the time I wanted it ready, and paid with my credit card. It is a horrible place for parking, so I just double parked and Jordan ran in and got it. She felt like she was in charge of something and could do it on her own, and it was quick and easy for me. That is what I call a win-win!!
So we had a nice picnic. The kids would eat, get up and see something, then eat more. When we finally finished, we fed the ducks and then managed to walk around the whole pond! Hunter finally fell asleep, so that was great!
The kids just love the woods and water, so they had tons of fun exploring.
Landon on the bridge.
Blurry, but checking things out by the water.
I love it when they get along and play so nice.
Spencer looking at something.
Action shot. Jordan and Spencer managed to stay fairly clean, but Landon ended up in the water and his shoes were muddy. It was nice for me because I got to drive Darin's new car since he didn't want muddy, dirty kids in it:)
Running on the bridge.
Nice look, Jordan.
Nice shirt, Spence:)
Funny kid!
This is how Hunter rolls!
I love the lighting in the next few pictures.
My kids have an attraction to water...they CANNOT stay away from it!
Handsome boy!
Another handsome boy!!
She didn't really want her picture taken!
Monkey boy!
Trying to get the 3 of them to do one nice picture of all 3 is nigh unto impossible!!!
Landon loves pushing the stroller!
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