Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A new challenge

I am sitting here wanting to eat some chocolate so badly, but I am not. Let me explain why.

I was looking on FB the other day and my friend had a post about a challenge she was doing. You can find it here. I decided to sign up for it. The price was $17.00 for the challenge and I figured I spend that much on junk food in a couple weeks, so it would be a good investment.

Basically the idea is that you keep track with points of what you do and at the end of the challenge you can get money back for your accomplishments. There are 10 components:

1. No Sugar
2. No junk food.
3. 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Exercise 45 minutes a day.
5. 7 hours of sleep a night.
6. 2 servings of each fruits and vegetables a day.
7. Read an uplifting book or your scriptures for 15 minutes every day.
8. Write in your journal every day.
9. Do a good deed our of your ordinary schedule each day.
1o. No eating after 8:00 pm.

Whew. Now that I have written it all myself, it is A LOT.

What have I gotten myself into? Darin looked at the link and was less than enthused about it. He said that they are all good things, but together it is too much. At first I was really annoyed at him for not being supportive. I was brooding about it and he just said that it was too much to do at once.

So today is day 4, and I am beginning to believe him. Most of it I can manage pretty well, but the whole "off limits" idea is very hard to wrap my head around. The whole time I went to weight watchers, there wasn't anything I couldn't eat. It is very hard to say "don't eat that."

Enter Darin saying "I told you so."

Oh, yeah, I forgot-there is one day a week that you can cheat and it doesn't count. That is also different for me to adjust to. Although I usually was a bit less strict on the days that I weighed in.

So here I sit-it's 8:45, and for the third night in a row, I'll go to bed with a rumbly tummy. I guess I can drink some water to fill my tum tum.

The word challenge is right-this is sure going to be challenging.

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