Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The newest memeber!

Jordan is the newest member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in our family!

Jordan's baptism was this past Saturday. We were so excited for her. She has been preparing for a while and was super excited. She was able to get baptised the same day as her best friend Lizzie and her friend Ryan who is in her primary class. The other night we went to the church to get her baptism outfit. Friday night she and daddy practiced how she would be baptised. Daddy was nervous he wouldn't remember the prayer since he hasn't baptised anyone since his mission, and he could remember the prayer in Spanish clear as a bell.

We were excited to have the baptism at our chapel and not have to drive to Mt. Vernon. We were also super excited that Auntie Marion and Auntie Karin came for the special day. They arrived on Saturday and were with me when I picked the kids up. They had Ella the dog as well, so the kids were excited.

So Saturday came and we were running a bit late, but everyone got changed in time for the program to start. We took a few pictures before hand as well.  I was a bit worried that there might be drama when Jordan saw Lizzie in her dress, because she cried when I told her Lizzie was wearing a dress, but she did very well. I think the excitement helped her. Plus the fact that the church provides little white "leotard" thing to wear under the jumpsuit. She loved that and asked for one for herself.

Jordan and daddy, as well as the other 4 kids and daddies were so brave-the hot water heater to the font was not functioning, so the water was freezing cold. I felt so bad for them all. But, I was super impressed with Jordan-she just walked right down into the water!!!! Darin said the prayer and baptised her perfectly. She did make a big gasp when she came out of the water-like when the pool is too cold. Then the sweet thing stood there freezing in her towel so she could watch her friends be baptised as well. Lizzie's feet came out of the water, so she had to be done twice, and Jonaton missed a word in the prayer and had to do Ryan twice as well. The witnesses were Bishop Stowers and Ken Cazier. 

A few shots from the day

Jordan and daddy

 Ahh, that face. How I love that face.
 Jordan and one proud mama!
 Lizzie, Ryan and Jordan

Jordan and Lizzie with their best friend Karly Vallejo. She has been friends with the girls since kindergarten, and we were so excited that she came to see the girls get baptised. She is a great friend and we love her family!!

 Our family after the baptism. The boys did start the day with ties...

And our family with Aunties. And of course, Ella. She spent the time in the car, so was happy to be out. 

 We did more pictures when we got home.

Kisses for the big girl!!
 Jordan and mommy with Aunties.

 And one more of my sweet little girl.

1 comment:

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Way to go Jordan! Such a great day :) Looks like you're keeping very busy. And moving will be fun too!