Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Preschool Picassas-weeks 1 and 2

I have been teaching classes at the local Rec center and this session I was 
able to add a new class to my  list: Preschool Picassos.
It is an art class, this time for 2-3  year olds. I have taken this class with Jordan and Spencer, so was excited to be able to teach it. 

I decided to try to find a book to read each week to base my project on. 

Here is my first choice.

We did lots of painting and talking about colors. I have a good group of parents and kids, 8 total,  and they all seemed to really enjoy it.
Week 2 The Rainbow Fish
I love this book and thought it would be awesome to teach about sharing and to do a cute project.
The book I got an idea from.
supplies all ready. I got sparkly foam and cut out fins shapes. It was nice since they had sticky backs the kids could just peel off and stick on.
Landon helping me make my example to show the class.

And my finished product. A bit childlike, but then again, I am teaching toddlers:) The class went well and the kiddos loved working on it.

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