Friday, August 26, 2011

Andrew Family Photo Shoot

Each year at Darin's Family reunion we have a photo shoot-which most of the men involved barely tolerate:)

Here are the best results:

Our family. A complete bomb. Landon would not cooperate in the least. Well, if I knew photo shop, I could move around a couple heads and have a decent picture.

Then we tried nana and papa with the grandkids. Once again, Landon was in rare form. The bottom pic is Darin with some of his cousins and his so very cute Grandma Andrew.

Here's great grandma Andrew with all her great grandkids who were there. I spend the first few frames fighting to get Landon to cooperate, then finally gave up and put him on the swing set. At least he's in the picture.

And the whole family.
It may be hard for us to get everyone together, but it is worth it to have the pic in the long run!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Awesome to have good family pictures!! I'm so glad you stopped by!!! It was fabulous to see you. I hope all goes well with your house and that it sells quickly. Someday, I'm going to have to come visit you :) You're an awesome friend Wendi! So glad we're able to keep in touch!!

Jill said...

Yeah, all you have to do is flip your head or Jordan's and you'll have a great picture. I bet you could pay someone to do that for you.