Thursday, August 4, 2011

Poor neglected blog.

So I have been neglecting my blog. Well, I have done some posts that I have not published since they are me venting about the house situation.

I figured in order to start somewhere, I'll recap this week. It is pretty much dedicated to my dear friend Ryann. She and her cute kiddos got back from England last week, and since we got to Utah on Saturday and won't see her before she heads down to Virginia Beach, we have been able to see her and the kids every day. We've loved it.

On Monday we met up at Chuck E. Cheese with the old playgroup families-minus Lea and Chanda's families. It was us, Jill, Ryann, Rachael and Sharon. It was fun to see the kiddos get acquainted again and renew their friendships. The kids all had a great time and it was fun to catch up with Ryann and hang out with all the moms again. When we left I went and paid Landon's tuition for September!! Wow-only a month until school starts again. I had to about throw up at how much we are paying for his preschool, though. I guess since we didn't pay for preschool for 4 years, it isn't that bad!! The kids and I played at the playground then headed for home.

On Tuesday, Spencer got to go swim with his best friend, so he was thrilled-he had a great time. He and Gabey play so well together so Janna and I let them get together as much as we can. Ryann called to come visit so she and her kids stayed for a while. Jordan got along great with the girls and Spencer played so well with Tim. Landon is actually closest in age, but I think he overwhelms kids since he gets a bit crazy. He's funny that way-in a big group, he's crazy, but one on one, he'll play so well with his friends. After Ryann left, Spencer and Jordan got to play at Gabey's house while Landon and I went to the grocery store.

We had a fun day yesterday, as well. We met Jill and Ryann at the movies for the dollar show. It's funny when the kids seem like they haven't seen each other in ages-giving hugs, etc. So cute. Anyhow, we divided up and I lucked out and only had 2 kiddos with me in the movie Nannie McPhee 2-Landon and Emilie. Cute movie. Just like old times, we at at Noodles and Company. I ended up sitting at the window with the boys so they could watch the "mighty machines" working in the parking lot across the street. Then I took them out to play in the courtyard. We did a kid switch so Jordan got to go with Ryann to Jill's house and I took all the boys home with me. We had fun, then poor Timmy said his ear hurt. I felt bad for the little guy and turns out he has an ear infection.

Last night I met up at Jill's house with Ryann and we just sat around and at yummy cookies and talked forever-just like old times. It was great. I really do have some wonderful friends! We missed Rachael and Sharon, though.

Today we had another group outing!! But first I spent the day trying to get my kids to do creative things. I banned the Wii for the day. Spencer kept asking, but I never gave in. And they only watched about an hour and a half of TV!! When forced, they can do creative things and use their imaginations. We played legos for a long time, did puzzles, workbooks, and Jordan, of course, directed the kids in some imaginary play as well.

We made it until time to go to Pirate's Cove. We were meeting the gang again. Combining all our certifikids and library coupons, we only had one person who had to pay out our whole group. We had 5 moms and 11 kiddos. And it was family night, so we got a hot dog dinner. We had a blast. The kids were in a bunch of different directions, but every played and had lots of fun. I think we may have to go to family night more often next year!!

On the way home, the kids and I had a great conversation. Lots of stuff about life, dying, resurrection, etc. They all said some cute and amazing things, but the best was when Landon said "I want to be little forever." Mommy wants you all to stay little forever, Lanny! I love it when we have great conversations in the car that we are all involved in. Their little brains really are amazing!!

So I did take some pics today, but I'm too pooped to get the camera and cord. My waterproof camera has a funky sized memory card that doesn't fit in my laptop, so it necessitates plugging it in. I'm ready to go to bed, but since I was recently reminded how "bad" I have gotten at my blog, I just wanted to post something tonight.

So to Ryann-I'm so glad we have been able to hang out this week!! It's been awesome seeing you and the kids again. I'll miss seeing you for your birthday. Good luck getting settled in your new home!

1 comment:

Ryann said...

goodness, we have done a lot this week! I need to blog as well! I love it when you have friends that you don't see in ages and when you meet up again, it is like not a day has passed. You are one of those friends Wendi! A true keeper!