Monday, February 11, 2008


I wanted to share some things I have been thinking about lately. Here is a list of things that make me grateful.
1. Watching Jordan play with all her friends. At 4 1/2 years old she has quite a social circle!! The moms are pretty great as well.
2. A great hustband who takes great care of us.
3. I really have wonderful friends. I can call to chat, talk about kids, share frustrations, get favors, get babysitting, and the list can go on.
4. toothbrushes and toothpaste-especially first thing in the morning. Something I have to introduce to my daughter. Can a 4 year old really have morning breathe?
5. living in a free country-even though I had 2 calls from campaigns during dinner-at least we do have real elections.
6. scrapbooking-great to do while watching TV, although Darin doesn't see how it is relaxing.
7. Karin and Marion-my friends who live in Boston
8. Having a car to drive and a house to live in.
9. watching my children play together and sceme to do naughty things. It really is cute to see them sneak off together.
10. Darin has a nice job with great hours-he's home by 4:30 most days.

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