Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Recent Develpments

We have a new trend going on in our house now and it is absolutely wonderful!! Landon has now decided that he can sleep all night!!! Now I jsut have to get used to it and stop automatically waking up at 3:00.

We now have a crawler in our house again!! The other morning while I was working out Landon decided he could get the grove on and crawled!! I forgot how exciting it is to see all the milestones come! He does really well in the family room in the basement because it is carpet, but struggles on the wood floor-just goes backwards. It is always a relief to see babies do new things-comforting to know he is developing normally.

Darin and I actually got to go to dinner last week for my birthday. A friend of mine from the ward came and watched the kids for us. We went to the Cheesecake factory and had delicious food. The best part was that I even managed to lose 1.6 lbs this week when I went to Weight Watchers. It is interesting I found a book of my weight loss 6 years ago when I first lost my original 100lbs, and I am only 2 lbs off what I was then. So, I know it is possible to get where I want to be by my anniversary in October. You will all certainly know when that happens!!!

A funny story of February 6 years ago. It was when the Olympics were in Salt Lake. Darin and I were dating, and he came out to take me to some events. We went to a Hockey game and Mens figure Skating. He was there for my birthday and Valentines. He gave me this huge sugar cookie bouquet for Valentines. I maneaged to eat it all when he left and gained over 4 lbs that week. He hasn't given me that kind of gift since then!! I just can't believe that was 6 years ago....time sure flies ...now we are married with 3 kids....I don't think Darin had that on his mind in Feb of 02!!


Sarah said...

Hey Wendi! I found your blog from the Webbs blog. I'm so impressed that you find time and energy to exercise with 3 kids! You're good. Our blog is benandsarahblack.blogspot.com. Love the pictures of the kids playing in the tupperware container!

Ryann said...

such a random question for you but why is everyone a family on your side bar but rebecca??

Wendi said...

To be honest,I don't really know what I was thinking. Thanks for bringing to my attention.