Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What would you say?

Imagine yourself in Staples, about to pay for your items. You have your 2 children in a stroller by your side. There is a lady who had been previously complaining, whining and moaning about the lack of something she wanted. You are talking to the very patient and calm sales associate and the mean lady all of sudden looks at you and says "How do you stand those kids? I hate kids. They take all your time and you never get any time to yourself." She continues to rant and rave about children and the horror that they are.

Well, this is a true story-happened to me yesterday when I was making copies for file folder games for my wonderful children. I looked at the lady and very nicely told her that I love my children and chose to be an at home mom and have lots of fun with them. The sales lady said "good for you." I continued to talk really nice to the lady while the sales lady, Kathy, ran my credit card. She gave me my recipt, and to my surprise, she only charged me the price for regular copies, vs. copies on cardstock. I mentioned this to her and she smiled and said it was ok. What a nice lady!!


Karalee said...

YEA for you and the sales lady for sticking up for moms all over :) !!

Chanda said...

What a freaky person!

M said...

I can't believe that! Way to go on speaking up for mothers everywhere! I never know what to say when people confront me like that- like the time someone followed me out of a movie with Emma to ask me how I dared to bring children to a movie or even into the world?! I thought of things after the fact but in the moment I just stood there with my mouth open. You are awesome! And way to go sales lady!

Fowler family said...

Oh Wendy, what a koo-koo lady. I'm so glad the sales lady gave you proper respect and even gave you a little "treat" in the end.

Way to go standing up for yourself.

I think I would start to cry if someone did that to me!

Miller Family said...

I am so glad you found such a nice person to combat such an evil one!

Ferndale said...

Good for you Wendi!

rachael said...

What is up with rude people?? I have been encountering several myself lately. Where did the kindness to others go???

I went to the post office the other day and recieved 6 packages, one of which was fairly large. I asked the "male" clerk how heavy it was, thinking that maybe he would see that I am very pregnant with a toddler and carrying 5 other packages maybe he would offer to carry it out for me...
No!! He said to me, it doesn't weigh anymore than your son does..and then walks away.

Could you imagine treating someone that way?? Very rude people!! They should all be put in one area to fend for themselves with all the other rude people...