Thursday, April 17, 2008

I love to see the Temple

Yesterday I had the most wonderful treat. I was able to go to the temple!! Darin had a meeting out of his office, so he came home after so I could go. He went back in January, but I wasn't able. I have been desiring to go for so long....needless to say it was a heavensent day. I took Jordan to school, then dropped the boys off. It was a nice drive listening to music and singing a long. So nice that I passed the exit. I was a small bit annoyed because I had a time crunch, but then was grateful because in backtracking to the temple, I got to see the wonderful view of the temple rising straight ahead fo you on the beltway. It has been a long time since I saw that. It is quite a site, and I loved it. Sometimes missing your turn can have a good consequence!! I love daffodils!! They are one of my favorite flowers. I grew to love them so much on my mission-daffodils grow everywhere in England. I saw them every day there, so now I really love them.
Here's my try at a self portrait!!!

So my day in the temple was great!! I have been feeling overwhelmed and discouraged lately, so I have needed an extra boost of the spirit for a long time. Thanks to Darin's hard work we have family file names from my family, so I was doing the work for my great great grandfather's that relation correct....anyway it was someone with my mom's maiden name: Satterthwaite. Can you pronounce that! Interesting thing as well is that her name is exactly the same as a cousin...Helen Elizabeth. I don't think my aunt realizes that, but it was interesting.

I really felt the spirit really strong and was able to sit in the celestial room for as long as I felt. I type this I can feel the same spirit I felt yesterday-quite amazing.....I read some scriptures and felt some things that Heavenly Father wanted me to know. It is really hard at home with the chaos of 3 little ones to concentrate on feeling the spirit, but in the celesial room it is such a sweet feeling. I felt that Heavenly Father knows my struggles and heartaches as I feel them and wanted me to know that I shouldn't let Satan try to stop me from doing what I know I needed to do. Did you know that Satan doesn't want us to suceed.....I guess I forgot and was remined that he works on us daily. Well now I know and can certainly do something about it. It is humbling to know that what I do as a mother is the most important thing in the world and Satan knows the potential of my children....makes me want to work much harder.

I could go on and on about the temple. I just have to express my gratitude to Darin for giving me the chance!!! I even went to the bookstore after and each time we spoke on the cell phone he was calm and positive so I never felt a rush to get home...which is what I usually feel. In the car on the way home I was listening to some music about the Savior, so the wonderful spirit just continued....I just loved the whole time!!!

I missed you there next to me Darin, (in the DC temple, the seats are together and a handful of couples in the middle can sit next to each other) but THANK YOU SO MUCH for making it possible to go!!!! I love, love, love you!!

1 comment:

Karalee said...

I loved reading your temple entry! You totally made me feel the spirit while I read!! Thanks for the uplift!! :) you are such a great mom and wife and awesome example!