Sunday, April 6, 2008

Messy Messy!!

The Maney kiddies really enjoy getting messy!! Here are a few pics of our messy endeavors this week. We did some painting but Spencer doesn't believe in using a paintbrush. He eventually became the canvas for both of them!!
Spencer really loves getting his hands full of paint. It was pretty funny-even when Jordan walked upstairs after I had taken Spencer up for a bath and dripped paint on every step.
Landon is becoming more demanding at mealtimes. He wants to be fed, but also wants to have a spoon and try to feed himself. I just decided to see what he would do when I gave him his bowl and spoon the other day. This is the result!!

Here is Lanny when I gave him the bowl.
Here is Lanny when I took the bowl away and started the clean up process!!!


Aly said...

WOW! You are a good mom to deal with that mess! My Kaitlyn would have done the same thing as Landon...she is messy and LOVES it. They are darling kids!

Fowler family said...

I love those multiple pictures in a square you put together.

You are such a fun mom- letting them get all painty and messy.

Lynette said...

Hi Wendi!!! I found your blog on Leslie's fun! Your kids are so cute...I still can't believe how big Jordan is!

Ryann said...

I just blew up that image of the kiddos painting. And you are brave-putting full frontal nudity on your blog! But they certainly are cute!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are darling! And it looks like you're no stranger to the camera yourself, very cute pics!!