Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Never to late to put in the blog....

I think, anyway. So there are some things we have done that I wanted to put in here. A few weeks ago we went to the Nationals Stadium for "Opera in the Outfield." It was the opening night of the National Opera and they broadcast it for free at the Nationals Stadium. It was The Barber of Seville. ( now I have vague memories of putting this on here....)

So we took the kiddos and it was pretty fun. They absolutely loved running around the field. Darin and I enjoyed seeing what the field was actually like. The grass was pretty lush-Jordan insisted on taking her shoes off. They had plenty of space to run, so that was good. They also showed a bugs bunny cartoon before the show, so the kids really loved that. They gave out free candy and water bottles as well. Here are a few fun shots.

Landon having fun.
Lots of room to run and play.

Everyone watching the Bugs Bunny cartoon-the famous one where he is the barber cutting Elmer Fudd's hair...or lack there of....Kiddies loved it.
We ended up leaving shortly before intermission because Spencer had to go potty. We felt like if I was going to walk all the way back up, we would all go. The kids were getting antsy, and Landon was wandering all over the place, so we decided it was the time to go. We really want to go back next year, but we have decided that if we do it again, we will sit in the very front so the kids can run around, or go to it on a date. We also saw lots of people bringing dinner, which we ate fast in the car, so we'll do that next year as well.

We ran into some friends from the ward, so Spencer got to walk with a friend for a while.

We went to a birthday party of a little boy in Spencer's preschool. This little trampoline was a favorite of all the Maney kids, but especially Jordan.
Landon wants to drive the car.
I know I put these pictures of the first day of school on Facebook, which is another post in itself...to Blog or Facebook....but I wanted them on the blog as well.

Jordan's first day of First grade.

Spencer's first day of 4 year old preschool.

Thanks for the cute clothes Auntie Marion and Auntie Karin!!

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