Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Things Boys Do

We had an interesting day yesterday. After Darin got home from work and Wendi and the kids got home from school and errands, Wendi asked where Spencer was. Darin hadn't seen him, so Wendi searched the house frantically for Spencer (and in the process forgot that she had rice on the stove, which burnt to a crisp). After checking inside the house, Wendi went outside to find Spencer asleep on the little wooden bridge in our flower garden. Apparently, he decided to nap outside on a hard wooden bridge rather than walk a couple of extra steps into the house to lay on a nice sofa instead. I guess if you lose a kid, you should look for him in unexpected places.

Later on, the kids were very tired and while Wendi was cleaning the kitchen Landon proceeded to disrobe and announce he was going to use the bathroom. This is not unusual since he would love to be a nudist at this point if allowed. So he went to the bathroom and wandered in and out. Spencer also used the bathroom. Landon went back in and Darin heard splashing. So Darin rushed in and Landon had his face down in the toilet (which unfortunately had not been flushed after Spencer had used it) and Landon was sucking up the yellow water and spitting it out on the floor! Whatever possessed him to stick his head in the toilet and suck up the water we have no idea, but we will definitely have to retrain the kids in appropriate bathroom etiquette!

1 comment:

Ferndale said...

Oh My Gosh! That is so so so so yucky. Did you have to hold yourself back from the vomiting???