Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A bit late, but more Halloween

We had a fun Halloween! Here are a few pics.

Spencer and Landon are addicted to Mario Super Galaxy on the WII. So there was NO getting around these costumes for the boys.

So here we present:
Mario and Yoshi.

Here is Mario "riding" on Yoshi. (He rides on Yoshi, who by the way is a dinosaur, in the video game)
Can you believe that this mustache is trimmed down from the one that came with the costume? We cut it in half so he could use it twice. It didn't last too long, but it was cute at the beginning!
And here's our Super Girl! I was wanting Jordan to be Princess Peach from Mario, but Jordan didn't like the look of the dress. She saw this at Toys R Us, and there was not turning back. She HAD to have it!!

Here are the kids at our neighbors Dave and Karin. The gave our kids whole candy bars, while the other kids got little ones. Spoiled? Yup:)We just happened to meet up with the little neighbor girl and went around with her. The kids had fun. I love seeing them happy!
More Super strong!!


Ryann said...

Timmy would have loved to be Mario. He loves the game Super Smash Bros. He's also said that he wants a Sonic birthday party! Boys and their games:)

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Fabulous costumes Wendi! Looks like you guys had a great October!!