Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We made it before the rain came!

I am so happy we went to Huntley Meadows yesterday since the rain set in today. We had free time after school since I did not have a brownie meeting. I wanted to go somewhere with just my kiddos-have some time for just us. We always have someone else with us due to carpools, watching other kids, etc; so it was nice to have time to just some time for us.

So off we went to my favorite place around-Huntley Meadows. I was hoping there would be some color left on the trees, but most of the leaves had fallen off the trees. I did find some cool leaves laying around so I took a ton of pictures. I haven't really gone out to take pictures much lately since I am so busy with brownies, teaching classes, etc; so it was nice dust off the camera.

Here are a couple cool leaves I found.

I also liked this tree.

The kids have been to Huntlye Meadows so many times that they knew exactly where to go. While I would stop to take some pics, they would run way ahead. The were so excited to get the boardwalk. We saw tons of birds flying out of the cattails. the kids loved to see hoard of birds flying around.

I love to see the boys exploring and playing. I love Landon down below when his is trying to decide which way to go.
So cute-looking for critters.

We saw some fun birds-I loved the ducks. At one point I saw 2 pair swimming along-male-female, male-female in a line. I hurried to change my lens, but by that time they were in a big group. I took a ton of shots of the blue heron, but these are my favs.
We stopped at one point that had a ton of leaves and stayed for a while to play in the leaves. It was simply a BLAST!!!
More fun throwing leaves!

Ahh, time to rest. I liked this tree trunk-it looks like a triceratops to me. Very cool.
While I was pushing Spencer, yeah, why was I pushing him you ask? Well, to be honest so I can avoid his crying. When he is tired, he is sooo cranky, and he was tired and mad that we didn't go to Green Spring instead. So he rode in the stroller a while.

Anyhow he would drag his feet in this one part of the trail that was very heavily leaf covered. He was laughing so hard that I wondered what was up, then realized what was happening. He thought it was the best thing ever.
Here's the trail we left behind us as we walked with Spence dragging his feet.

During our fun time, I tried to get at least one good shot of each kid. Here are my favorites!!

Such a fun day!! Thanks for playing with me Jordan, Spencer and Landon. I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Super cute pics! Especially the last three :) You've become quite the photographer!! I think I need to get me some photoshop one day :)