Friday, September 9, 2011

Noah...where are you?

I started this post last night, but as I type, it is still raining. When will it stop?
We need Noah to come build us an ark. I am watching it rain, still. It has been raining for days on end. Well, I think it is officially day 3, but it seems like forever. We didn't even have this much rain when hurricane Irene came through last weekend. It is really too much-especially when there are places like TX in huge droughts who need it desperately. We had a realtor come the other night and just before the side walk was flooded. I prayed that it would lighten up so that the water would go away. It did, thank goodness, but then rained more later.

But today it is a torrential downpour-I mean it!! It is raining so hard right now.

Are we close to the second coming?

I think so.

Here are the views out our front door:

 A more wide view:

 Yes, the yards are a marsh. Let's hope it goes down before any realtors call  to see the house.

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