Thursday, July 17, 2008

More Late Breaking News

WOW-what a day-can I take anymore? First Jordan goes under the water and now here's the news flash: Spencer pooped on the potty!!!!Yeah!! It was so exciting for us all and he was so proud of himself. I guess it helped to have him running around naked on the bottom and reading books to him on the toilet. It took a little while, before dinner and after, but he did it and earned his reward- a little dinosaur figurine. Spencer only has had on 1 pair of underwear all day-what an accomplishment!! He is happily playing and mommy is happily typing!!

To top it all off I get to go to enrichment tonight-what a great day!!!


Sarah said...

Hooray!!!! Having just gone through the same thing, I know how exciting it is when you see that poop in the potty! Way to go Spencer! (and you too)

AceMott6 said...

It's the simple things in life ya taking a poop! :) We all take it forgranted! He He...
Can you email me your phone # we are leaving tonight and I want to have it just in case. I'm sure we'll be fine going down, but it might be a different story coming home!

flem-fam said...

Yay Spencer!!! I am starting Donovan this week, so we can do it together!!!