Thursday, May 7, 2009

"It's a little shady..."

When I park my car, I am usually pretty confident it will be there when I return. I have sometimes had to search a little bit in a big parking lot, and have sometimes gotten off the elevator at the wrong floor in a parking garage, but have always found my car. It is a great feeling to get in and drive off on my merry way.

Well, tonight, I got to experience what it is like to walk to your parking spot and have your car gone. It is not a fun feeling at all. I went to Trish's baby shower and had a hard time finding a spot in the neighborhood. After driving around a ton, I finally found one, made sure there were no numbers painted on the curb, worked my parallel parking magic, and went on my merry way. I had a great time chatting with the ladies, celebrating Trish having a baby boy, but had to get home to relieve a babysitter.

I guess I have to tell you that Darin is out of town, hence the babysitter whose parents were going to pick him up for me when I got home. So, I was instantly a paranoid mess. Can I get my car tonight, how can I take Jordan to school, how much is this going to cost, Darin is going to be so mad, worried, etc. I went back to Katie's house in tears, and stayed downstairs so no one would see me in my not so pretty state. While I was standing there in walks Katie's sister and her fiancee-who on a side note gave an absolutely fabulous talk at Stake Conference last weekend. He gave me a big hug and he and Jayme went to the street with me to check it out. Turns out there is a sign, unfortunately it is covered by tree branches and you can hardy see it. There is painting on the pavement which was covered by another car when I parked. Jayme took pictures for me so Darin can work his letter writing magic.

I was so embarrassed, but thankful for the help. I called the Glads to tell them I would be late so they wouldn't worry about their son calling for a ride so late. Some friends took me to get the car, after we were told where it was. We were told "it is a little shady," which is the truth. The customer service desk was run down with about a foot square little box to talk into. The gals waited in the car for me, and offered walk up with me. So nice!! The were all so sweet sharing their car towing stories. Oh, the other problem I had was that I had only taken in my keys and cell phone so I didn't have my wallet on me. The guy was nice about it and opened the gate a little for me to go into the lot, which was a little dark and creepy. And whoever parked the car was not the best driver because it was so close to the car next to it I had to go in the passenger side. Then car I couldn't find my wallet so said a little prayer and finally found it. I went to pay and was told cash or debit only. I was soo mad! The guy said he told me that on the phone, but I know he didn't. I went back to the car crying asking Crystal to take me home to get my debit card which I don't carry on a regular basis- but the gals wouldn't have it. Julie immediately took out her wallet and was willing to give me all her cash, but then Crystal insisted on paying with her debit card. I cannot say thank you enough, Crystal!!

To Crystal, Julie and Cheryl-thanks so much for your support and concern, and letting me cry-you're some awesome gals!!!

1 comment:

Leslie Green said...

Oh my goodness. That sounds just terrible!! I think I know the towing place you're talking about. I never had the misfortune of being towed, but strangely enough, someone who works there ordered Mary Kay from me once--specifically, THIRTEEN bottles of foundation. I thought it was a hoax but she ended up paying me. I really hated going there, though (the place off Van Dorn?). Anyway, it's time for church. Gotta run!