Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cleaning clutter is truly rewarding.

The other day I was cleaning a very cluttery corner of our living room and found a missing SD card and was obviously thrilled!!! It had pics of Jordan's brownie sleepover, school picnic and Spencer's preschool graduation. I have yet to post the pics, but it is in the works.

So today was an even better surprise!! I have been cleaning out closets to get rid of stuff for a donation we have scheduled for tomorrow. I love it when you can just put the stuff out on the steps and they come get it!! Yeah-the house will be lighter.

So I picked up a box full of old cassette tapes. Darin and I haven't even touched the box since I was putting things away when we first got married. I was separating out the commercial tapes from the ones that we or other people had made. I found a tape I had forgotten with MY MOM"S VOICE on it!!! It was one she was making for her best friend who had been a sister missionary in our branch growing up. I was ecstatic!! I left the kids in the living room watching cartoons so I could listen in peace and enjoy it.

It really made me happy!! I laughed and cried all at the same time. I decided to put the digital camera up to the stereo and record it so I could put it on Facebook for my family to enjoy. Soooo cool!!!

Today's moral: find some clutter to clean up-you may forget about some treasures that you may have hidden in a box.

Oh and get rid of stuff you don't need-makes you feel much better!! I feel bad for the pick up guys tomorrow-they will be making LOTS of trip to their truck!!! Woo Hoo!!

1 comment:

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Good for you!! I make regular trips to the D.I. I am always letting stuff go. And besides, there is probably someone who will love all the stuff, I don't need anymore :) That's one way to keep your house clean!!!