Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm never going to make it on Top Chef for sure

So I was excited about losing 1lb at WW when I weighed in on Saturday, so I went to Trader Joes looking for some healthy food to cook. When I walked in there was a stand with homegrown fruit and veggies. Summer squash and zucchini jumped out at me. I figured I could find some recipe online and was excited to give it a try. Besides helping my grandpa make zuccini bread and having it at restaurants, I am embarrassed to say I have never cooked it at home.

I had thawed out some fish, which I CANNOT cook. Period. I was hopeful this time, though. I figured grilling it would be good. Little did I know that there was a reason it said to wrap the fish in tinfoil before you put it on the grill. I figured I was using the foreman grill, so it would be ok.


Here's what happened-

But in my defense, I have to say that I grew up in Wisconsin and our staple meats were hamburger, pork in the cheapest form possible, chicken-but not nice boneless skinless breasts, and more hamburger. My dad did fish for lake fish, but he cooked them and my sisters and I refused to eat it. The only fish I ever ate was gross fish sticks that had to be burried it ketchup. I am trying hard with the fish, but it is just so hard to even force myself to eat it.

But I did make salmon last week that was good.

So I found a recipe online for the veggies and picked one I thought would be good. Veggies, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper. Not hard, right?

Wrong again. They came out too soft-I overbaked them, I think. Again-my childhood comes out here. We mostly ate veggies from a can or ones my mom home canned-ya know corn, green beans and peas. Rarely did I see my mom cook fresh veggies except wild asparagus my dad would get on the side of the road, which we refused to eat.

So I made the kids try a piece. This is a rule at our house and usually it isn't too bad. But Jordan just wasn't having it. Spencer at his first to get it over with. Landon took a couple bites-kind of.

But Jordan was another story.

Here's the size of what we wanted her to eat. Not much, right?
Here is what she did when I pushed the issue. I wasn't going to give up, but I LOST big time. She would not eat it. She had a bath and fell asleep pretty quick. I guess the fight over squash took it out of her.

I lost this battle. Dang it.
Moral of the story-I will NEVER become a vegetarian-can't cook them to save my life.

Another moral: you can take the farm girl from the farm, but she will still LOVE BEEF!!!

1 comment:

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

I LOVE to cook. I don't know that I'm a natural though. I just watch the Food Network :) ha..ha.. I can pretty much make anything from a recipe though. And I guess cooking with my mom while growing up too. I have a sister-in-law who is totally awesome at making all kinds of homemade rolls, and bread, scones etc.. I want to learn that stuff!! But, sorry, I'm NOT a FISH eater!!! blah... Not sure why? Just don't have any desire :) Good luck on your next cooking adventures!!!