Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Progress at the pool!

We have had a blast at the pool this summer. We spent a total of 4 weeks in swim lessons and Jordan and Spencer have made gigantic strides!!! I am so proud of both of them. And not to leave out Landon, he has gotten much more comfortable in the water, not that he wasn't already a little dare devil when the summer started.

It was pretty fun because there were lots of moms in the ward who signed up for the lessons, as well as Jordan's good friend Karly. It was great to have lots of friends for the kids to play with and moms for me to talk to.

Spencer went from just barely putting his face in the water to doing his own cute little version of the freestyle. It is pretty fun to watch him. He tries so hard to do the strokes, and one day when his teacher gave him a thumbs up, he was all smiles and said "did you see that mommy-he gave me a thumbs up." He has also developed a love of being under the water. He wears his mask and is constantly diving under for various toys or just gliding along in the water. He comes up for air, then is down again! It is really fun to watch.

This top pic is of Spencer doing his strokes and the bottom on is his favorite thing to do-he just glides in the water -he keeps his arms to his sides and kicks his feet. I love it!!

More of Spencer swimming. I love that the mask is actually wider than his head. So funny.

Jordan has progressed so much. She went from level 2 up to level 3. She has learned the freestyle, breast stroke and backstroke. She does really well on her own now is so much more confident-she goes all over the pool and it is so nice to not have to worry about her anymore.

Jordan doing some strokes. She has to wear her mask as well. I am working on showing them both that they could just wear goggles and not have to have their nose plugged. Makes me think of when I learned to swim-I've never had a formal swim lesson in my life-just lots of uncles who taught me to swim in lakes and rivers and we never had goggles or masks.
I think Jordan can do almost the length of the pool. Makes me wonder if we should do a "swim team" type thing next year, but I think we would have to join the pool. So far we have only been going for lessons, but I am beginning to wonder if joining the pool would be worth it.

A big accomplishment for Jordan was that one day she decided that she could now go off the diving board. I didn't have my camera the day of the very first jump, but here are some shots of her going off the days to follow. Now she is often at the "boards" as they are called jumping over and over. It was fun to see her first timid jump and frantic swim to the side progress into her jumping off backwards and swimming to the ladder with not problems!
The last couple days she really got into going off backwards.

So, when we started the second round of lessons, every day Spencer would ask me if he could go off the diving board. We would walk over and watch for a few minutes, then he would say "tomorrow." This lasted the whole first week. One day I asked if I could be at the bottom waiting for him, but the lifeguards said no.

Well, one day there were lots of friends at the pool, and peer pressure finally paid off. He stood up there for what seemed like a half and hour, but then he finally did it!!!

His first landing-he frantically swam to the back wall and got out. Of course we were all cheering wildly-as we did for Jordan on her first jump! Both occasions necessitated a trip to Dairy Queen to celbrate!
After a couple more jumps, he got a bit more comfortable and went off the front instead of the side.
Way to go Spencer!!

So the big thing was going off the "boards at the same time. So fun to see Jordan and Spencer be able to go at the same time.

Here are some more random shots: Jordan learning to dive off the side, Spencer doing a handstand-his favorite new trick the last few days, and random shots of Jordan. After typing all this, I realize there is a shortage of pics of Landon. Well, I tried putting him in lessons the first time around and it was a disaster. He did not listen and I had to be in the water with him. The pool filled the class pass the capacity, so they moved his age group to noon, and by the time he had been playhing in the pool for an hour waiting for his turn, he was spent and did not do well at all. I did not take my camera at all the first two weeks, thus no pics of Landon. I do have some of him I did with the waterproof camera I'll post after this one.

Thank you Rolling Hills Swim Club for a great summer!! See ya next year:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is pretty amazing. Seriously, Zac is so timid with the water. We are having a really hard time with it acutally. What age did you first put your kids in swim lessons?