Friday, December 17, 2010

they're still around!!

Some things really last forever. Case in point:

Fortune tellers, "cootie catchers" or whatever you call them-they are still around. I remember making these in school, now my child is making them!!! Crazy! Well, I'm not sure that the second graders are making them because Jordan learned to make them from Regan, a 6th grader that I watch, but I'm sure they know now!

She grabbed tons of paper and started folding away. She would get a bit frustrated because sometimes her folding wasn't just right. She even had Darin sit down with her and make one.
Here is one of the first ones Jordan made after Regan taught here how to make them.

And the numbers. They have advanced-we put very small numbers when I was in school.

Jordan started to make her own "fortunes in hers" They are sooo funny!

And then she made one that you had to ask "yes" "no" questions. I love the bottom one...phonetic spelling is awesome.

Here are more of my favorite ones.
I remember we used to see how small we could make them, and if we could open and close them with one hand. Ah the good 'ole days!!

Now I'll sit back and wait for her to learn the m.a.s.h. game. Oh it will come, eventually:)

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