Tuesday, December 21, 2010

a cute sheep, a sweet angel, and a little stinker.

We had our ward nativity a couple weekends ago. It was really great. I wasn't so sure how it would turn out given the chaos at the practice, but everyone did really well during the performance, and the people watching loved it. And thanks for taking pics, Darin, I was back stage during the whole performance.

Spencer was not thrilled at all to be a sheep again. "I don't like being a sheep. It's boring. They don't do anything." He will be much happier to be a barnyard animal next year.

Here he shows his feelings for being a sheep.

Spencer and his friend James. Not so sure what's going on here.

Jordan, on the other hand, was thrilled to be an angel.
Here's our angel singing her heart out. She now LOVES the song "Angels We Have Heard on High" and belts it out whenever it she sings it.

And last but not least, Landon. Here's how he spent some of the program-hiding under the stage right by the music leader. That is when he was not in the middle of the floor pushing a chair around. Yeah, Darin wanted to crawl under his chair. In tithing settlement, Bishop Stowers told us he enjoyed watching Landon's antics. Nice. Next year he will be a sheep...we'll see how that goes.

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