Saturday, April 4, 2009

For the Beauty of the Earth...

And boy do I mean BEAUTY! It is one of my very favorite times of the year in DC-Cherry Blossom time!! Every since Darin took me down to walk around the tidal basin the first year we were married, I have been hooked!! I absolutely love walking around and looking at the blossoms. It is absolutely breathtaking! The last few years have been tricky with all the kids, and last year we really only drove around, because the day we went for the kite festival last year they weren't out. WEll, this year I had to go down!!

Darin went out of town for work, so he did not have his feelings hurt that I went without him. I met Jill and Lea's families at the metro, and we headed in. We went after we got our kids from school, and it was such a fun evening. I had our friends Kaalie and Sarah with us because they had never been before, and their mom is quite allergic..
Anyhow, the kids really enjoyed the Metro ride. Not sure what the people around us felt, but it was great fun:)

We really had a fun time, even with all the yelling at Jordan and Spencer to stay close. One time I heard a scream from lady who thought Spencer was going to fall in the water. He and Landon really like to see all the people with their dogs and loved the ducks in the tidal basin.

Aren't we cute? I borrowed Kaalie's camera because mine is broken, so at least I got some pictures. I really wished I had one of the fancy cameras because there is a photo op everywhere you know what I am like with pictures.

What a beauty. Jordan's first walk around the tidal basin was in utero...oh, she is so cute.

Lea sent me some cool shots she got. The kids loved running up to the top of the Jefferson Memorial. It really is quite a view. I regretted not taking my camera to the top. The kids loved running up and down the steps. Especially Spence and Lanny.

The "moms. " What cool gals I get to hang around with! We have had such fun going down with friends this year and previous those who we have shared this in the past: we missed you all!

Marcus with his girls...he can take his pick in about 20 years. They were funny-I told them to give him a kiss on the cheek, then they wouldn't leave him alone. I think this shot was actually after Jordan did the first kiss...see below:)

Spencer takes a quiet moment to reflect....

After this Lea heard Jordan say "I kissed Marcus and I liked it." You can see how he felt!!

Such a fun time. We didn't get home to the Metro station until 8:00, and Sarah fell asleep from the Metro to her house. It was so fun!! This is one of my favorite things to do in DC and already can't wait for next year...I expect to have a much nicer camera so I can go to town!!


Sarah said...

We also had a few close calls with Amelia getting too close to the always scares me, especially with the crowds. What a beautiful night it was to be down there. We mapped our walk when we got home and had walked nearly 4 miles. It was definitely a scenic walk though!

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Oh man Wendi, That looks like so much fun! I could take some really awesome pictures of those Cherry Blossoms with my camera. I hope someday I get an opportunity to go there sometime and see them! I've never been to D.C., but someday, I want to go on vacation there. Just to see it all :)