Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Operation Bedrooom Switch has begun!!

I have been obsessed with finding new beds for the kids so we can switch the bedrooms around-put Jordan in the little one and the boys in the big one. Lanny has shown signs of getting out of the crib soon, and I just wanted a project to work on. Well, tonight we got the first item for the switch-the cutest loft bed for Jordan!! It is one of the kid that has the curtain pieces to make it look like a castle, and it has a slide on one side. Needless to say, she is ecstatic. She made fast friends with the little girl who has apparently only slept in the bed a total of 3 times in the 3 years they have owned it. (found it on craigslist) She played with her while I talked to the parents and on the way home she asked if she could go back for a playdate...too bad she is 40 minutes away:) After going to this house to look at the bed, I don't feel so bad about the toys, etc my kids have-this little girl had everything you could think of...man oh man I was amazed.

So, now we just have to find bunks for the boys, paint the rooms, find decor, bedding, etc......what fun!!!!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Sounds like a blast! I've been thinking about decorating my girls room too. I want to paint, find Bree a big girl bed, decorate etc... Sounds like you'll be getting yours done way before me, but you'll have to post some pics! You know how I love pics!!

Ryann said...

So exciting!!