Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sleepy Boy!

Landon today after swim lessons. He crawled up next to me on the couch and fell asleep.

We all know that the third child gets a little shorted on a few things, one of them being naps. With Jordan I was anal about it-even skipping playdates for her naps. Then with Spencer I tried to do the same, but had things to do with Spencer, so sometimes his were not always on the schedule I wanted. Luckily he would go straight from the car seat to the crib really well.

So poor little Lanny comes along and it is CRAZY!! We did pretty well during the school year because we had a pretty good schedule. Summer is not as scheduled, so lately his naps are hit and miss. Doesn't help that I pick and choose-maybe I want him to go to bed well so we skip his nap...etc. I know he still needs one, but it isn't always the way I would like.

The other day when we came home from swim I put a video on so I could go take a shower. I laid a quilt down and gave all the the kids their blanket and pillow. I came down from my shower and this is how I found Landon. He slept with all the noise of his siblings and the TV.

I forget what we had done this day, but he was so cute when he just cuddled right up to Darin-oh, I remember now. It was the 4th of July. I had been shopping and when I came home, Darin informed me that he didn't want to take his nap while I was gone. We were all on the couch reading books-yes, all 5 of us. Landon had just had a diaper change and crawled up by Darin. I looked over and this is what I found.

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