Thursday, August 27, 2009

Credit where credit is due!

So I have been having a hard time the last few days. I am just worn out and tired so any small problem is so blown up in my mind. Ever feel like this? Ugh, not a fun feeling. I think it is a combination of being busy all summer and Darin being gone. I haven't had the best attitude toward my dear sweet children.

Lucky for me, I was reminded of something this evening. I decided to take them to a playground. It was a lot later than I would usually go, but I did this because Landon fell asleep on the couch around 3:00 and slept until 5:30. I figured I needed to get the kids tired so they would go to sleep. We went to a fun playground in Alexandria that we hadn't been to forever. Beach Park.

We ended up having a blast at the playground, and I was reminded how sweet and friendly my children really are. There were 2 other little boys there and they my kiddos were sooo sweet and nice. They played with the kids-Jordan was helping them down the slide, etc. Jordan tried to put the one little boy in a swing and was trying to let him help her push Lanny.

I guess-well I know for sure that I need to stop and think more of the positive things they do. I love all the fun things about them and need to remember that in a moment of frustration. How can I expect them to have a good attitude when mine is not great?

So I can end my day on a positive note, I give credit where credit is due:

1. to myself for teaching them to be friendly and kind to others.
2. to my children for doing it tonight!!!

1 comment:

Janie said...

hey - thanks for the comment on my blog! I remember you - you told me about happiest baby on the block when I was pregnant with Maiya - I got the video from the library as soon as I got back home - so awesome that was!

Nice to meet you back in cyberspace - I added your blog to my blogroll!