Monday, August 10, 2009

Fun views and a cool "walking safari"

We decided to take a break from the ocean and found a little "walking safari" as they called it. You walked around with the animals and could feed them. Our family is a huge fan of zoos and animals so we loved it. Landon was hysterical because he would go up to any animal. Jordan had her heart set on petting the deer with velvety antlers. Spencer is happy just seeing animals from a distance.

Landon makes friends with the llama.
Some shots of the friends we made. There was a donkey that followed Darin all around for some reason. We got to hold and pet a 5-week old lion cub. Sorry the collage cut off a funny pic of Lanny staring down a goat and one of the 3 kids chasing deer. It was a really fun place.
I love the look on Spencer's face in this picture. He wasn't too sure of this llama. If you click on it you get a really good look.
This goat would not leave our stroller alone. He actually ate a piece of this tag off.

As we continued driving the coast we would stop at lots of overlooks. I loved the views from this particular one. The rocks were really cool.
More really cool rocks.
We pulled into a fun beach area and walked around on the rocks. So fun.
Spencer standing on the sandstone.
The Umpqua River Lighthouse. I already mentioned that the whole state is and RV park. Well I went into the museum to take the kids to the bathroom. I asked the lady about the next town and she said she was from Portland. She said they "drive the rig down and park it for a month" to volunteer at the lighthouse. These are some serious RV'ers.
Spencer and Jordan wanted to look in these everywhere we went.
The sign said this is a whale's jaw bone...whoa!
One of the nights we actually got all 3 kiddies sleeping in one bed. Usually I was with the boys and Darin was with Jordan....who had the easy way on that one?

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