Monday, August 17, 2009

We have a 6 year old in the house!!

Jordan turned 6 August 15th! Happy Birthday Princess!!
What do you do with a birthday girl and some of her closest friends....

Go out to eat at Silver Diner!!

When we were planning Jordan's birthday party, I realized that last years huge party was not happening again! Jordan leaned toward inviting all girls, so we decided to go to Silver Diner-one of her favorite restaurants. Darin stayed home with the boys and Carla Price came with me the restaurant.
The girls were so funny-we were shown our table, and instead of sitting on chairs, all 10 girls went to the bench on the wall. The roudy little girls proved too much for Kaalie, so she moved next to her mom.

The girls were actually pretty good. It was just what I expected with 9 little girls all 6 or 7 years old: hugging, giggling, laughing, teasing, squeezing, talking, bouncing, laughing, talking, bouncing-and so on. The were excited to get what they wanted to eat and drink. It was quiet twice for a small moment-when drinks and food came.
I had a coupon for Jordan's entree free and it came with a shake. All the girls had to get in on the action!!!
We went back to our house after the restaurant to have cupcakes and open presents. The girls REALLY enjoyed the cupcakes!!!

The above pic is the dress Jordan wore all weekend. One of her friends gave her a princess set-it came with a DVD and lots of little princess items and you watch and learn how to be a princess. She wore the crown and earrings all weekend. We had to draw the line on wearing the crown to church:)

Jordan opens her gift from her nana and papa!! Thanks so much for the great gift:)

Happy Birthday to our sweet little princess!!!


Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Bree had a Princess Party this summer too! Cute little girls, just love to be Princess'! I don't think I would dare take that many little girls out to eat though. You are a brave soul :) Happy Birthday Jordan.

Ryann said...

I thought about JOrdan while I was driving to Stoke. Such a great day to have a birthday!

Jill said...

I love that first picture of Jordan. Such a pretty girl!