Friday, August 21, 2009

more summer fun

Yesterday we went to a water park, Water Mine at Lake Fairfax.Thanks to the free admission coupon from the library summer reading program. We had a blast. Unfortunately, there are not pics. I took my camera, but then quickly realized that it would stay safely tucked in it's bag. NOT taking chances with water.

Anyhow, we had so much fun. We were with a great group of gals from our ward or other wards, so there were lots of friends to play with. It was a much more pleasant time than last year. Landon was big enough to play freely and Jordan and Spencers skills are so much better. We did have a couple worry some moments with Landon disappearing. That kid is going to give me a heart attack one day!! Seriously-he left the bathroom on me and while I was frantically looking for him, he was happily frolicking in the water. He knew exactly where he wanted to go because he went up and over a big bridge to get there!!!

We were also able to do the lazy river this year and it was awesome! The kids really loved it. I put them all in life jackets and we could just float down. Jordan was ok...again...a little wimpy but I made her do it. The rest of us could have kept on floating but she was having a breakdown so we got out. Jordan is doing so well with her swimming. She had he goggles so swam under water a lot.

Then Spencer...he amazed me! During the last hour we were there, he played with a friends dive sticks. He would throw them, then dive underwater for more than 5 seconds and swim around to find them!! He was so proud of himself. I can't belive the difference in he and his older sister-she would never have done that at barely 4 years old!!

I ended up staying until 5:30. We didn't actually get out of there until 6:00-after you dress 3 kids and have to find one who disappears while you are gathering your stuff. We went to McDonalds on the way home. Landon fell asleep in the car about 6:15. He slept through dinner, then woke up barely for me to get his pjs on and slept soundly until this morning at 6:50. Jordan and Spencer were both asleep by 8:00!! I love swimming!!

An out of order pic from the fair.
If there is an award for "least capable of doing a blog post" I am deep in the running. I put up some pics, then type while I wait for more to upload, then mess up when I am typing and push backspace too many times and accidentally get rid of pictures I want to include....when will I ever learn. What we need is and easier that lets you put in pictures even if you already have some in! Well, I also need more patience.

We went to the Prince William County Fair on Wednesday-dollar day!! We got in for a dollar each, including the parking. All the rides were a dollar as well. Oh, and the pony rides were a dollar off:) The only drawback was that it was soo blazing hot and humid!! I kept trying to give the kids water to drink then we chugged down a huge lemonage. I really think I sweat some weight off-I was a sweat bucket the whole time. Even my eyes burned from the sweat dripping in them.

We had lots of fun going on pony rides, watching a magic show, which was actually pretty funny, looked at lots of animals and rode a few rides. There was a huge rainstorm in the afternoon, but we were in an exhibition hall so we stayed dry; well, for the most part anyway. We went out when it was a little sprinkly.

We went into the "homemade food and crafts" exhibit and it was really nice. There was a huge photography display that I loved. I love getting ideas for good shots. Jordan loved some of the handiwork of little kids. I also chuckled at the food section. I didn't know you could compete in the "egg" category.

Here are some of the ones that struck me funny: Anybody want to decorate potatoes? There were huge scenes with potatoes...very clever. A blue ribbon do you judge and eggplant when you can't taste it,a nd what do with it after the fair...seem horrible to eat it...hee hee!

Landon on the pony ride. He was giggling and really loved it.
Spencer of course loves to ride ponies. Jordan actually got up on the horse, but after it took about 4 steps she started crying and wanted off. They didn't seem to phased by it, so hopefully she wasn't the first.
More of the pony rides and other rides we went on. Jordan went on less rides than her brothers-even Landon isn't as scarred as Jordan. He went on one that she refused because "it was too fast" Just little race cars that went in circles over and over. Is it mean of me to say my child is wimpy? She wouldn't even sit on a horse on the carousel-she sat in the bench. I have a sister who is exactly the same-maybe it's hereditary.

We went into the "commercial" building=where businesses had booths set up. The minute Jordan realized that she could collect lots of free stuff, she was in heaven. She is definitely Darin's daughter!

By the end of the day, Landon was spent. One minute he was awake, the next minute he was sleeping. Poor little fella!
Dollar day is definitly the way to go!!

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