Friday, February 5, 2010

let's just put this conversation on hold for 10 years!

Jordan: I know who I am going to marry.
Me: Who? Lucas Martin? (just hoping on my part)
Jordan: No, he's not in the church ( the boy in question...not Lucas:)
Me:but you have to marry a boy in the church so you can get married in the temple
Jordan: well, he's not in the church (we'll tackle that one later)
Me: Is it Keegan? (no) Is it Mikey? (the one I suspect the whole time-he's pretty cute)
Jordan : (with a grin)-yes. And he even wants to take me on a date
Me: oh really-how do you know that?
Jordan: Omar, Nicholas and all the kids told me.
Me: what is a date?
Spencer pipes in: when you get a babysitter for us and you go out somewhere
Jordan: I don't exactly know. But Mikey is going to take me.
Me: What are you going to do on your date?
Jordan: I think I want to go shopping
Me: I don't think boys want to go shopping on a date.
Jordan: well....
Me: when are you going?
Jordan:. ummm I think when I am 7 or 8
Me: well, you can't go until you are 16'
Jordan: ok.... then she runs off.... to play, thank goodness!!

I am a little worried though-play make up, she was posing for me to take her pictures today, talking about dates...what is happening to my little girl?

But whew....she'll still play with dolls, ponies, pet shops and loves princesses. Let's keep her little as long as possible.


Janna said...

Ha! I love it. And what has Lucas told her to make her think he's not "in the church"?!

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Don't these kids know, that we are not going to let them date until they are at least 30?! he..he..