Monday, February 15, 2010

The snow is getting to everyone

I think the snow is getting on everyone's last nerve! Here's the story:

Over the weekend Karin and Marion were here and parked their car in the spot Darin had his car in-the one he spent hours digging out. We did manage to find another spot for Darin's car. Anyhow, they left this morning and I went with them to the temple. I took Darin's car in case he needed the van if anything happened with the kids. While I was gone, he moved my car from our reserved spot to the spot next to it-where Karin's car was-to his to make sure I had a spot when I got home.

I pulled into the open spot and my neighbor-an older fella who lives a lone and who is usually super nice-was outside shoveling snow. He got my attention and gave me and earful about how he couldn't get out because the van is longer than Karin's car and it wasn't pulled in enough and he thought he was going to get stuck in a snow pile an had a really hard time pulling back in..yada...yada...yada. I was a little taken aback because he hasn't ever talked to me like that so I just mumbled something about Darin putting it there so I would have a spot when I got home and that I would have him move it.

So a couple thoughts come to my mind. We are all dealing with this snow, sir!!! It annoys us all. It frustrates us all. We all have a hard time pulling out of our spots. I can't help it if you have a super long huge truck!! And really, if you are having such a hard time getting out, you know we are home-ring the door bell and ask Darin to move the van out of the way for you.

Darin went out to shovel right when I got home and talked to the neighbor. He said he wasn't mad, it was just hard to pull back in the spot and there were cars on both sides of him and the road is only able for one car to pass at a time. Well if you aren't mad, don't talk to me in such a cranky way. Simply explain the situation and ask me nicely to move the van.

Ahhh this snow has got to go!!! Come on Mr. Sun.....get shining and get rid of the source of everyone's frustration!!!

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