Monday, October 4, 2010

getting Jordan dressed.....

is going to do me in.

I mean it.

I seriously mean it. I went to put up a post on Facebook about this problem, but there's just too much to say.

We had a big fight this morning about what she was going to wear. It is chilly today so I figured she could wear this really adorable jean skirt and tights. I got her these cute tights, brand new, at the consignment sale. They have horses on the bottom, but she was mad they didn't have horses all up and down the whole leg. Ugh. I thought they would go really well with the cute jean skirt, which she agreed with yesterday. But today it was a serious problem-she and I were thinking of different skirts. The one I picked wouldn't work because:

Too long and no shorts under it.

At least she liked the shirt I picked-pink with 2 little dogs on the front.

She kept going on about the other jean skirt, meanwhile it is getting later and later. I find the one I think she is talking about, which is too short and doesn't fit, and was in a box to send to cousins. She keeps talking about a different one. I can't take it any longer so I tell her just to get dressed and I'm going downstairs. Then she starts screaming for me and makes no progress until I go back. She's still on this other skirt.

So I turn into the worst mother ever. Lecture about how she has a dresser full of perfectly fine clothes and she wants a skirt that isn't there, yada, yada, yada. I tell her I don't care what she wears, just GET DRESSED and go on and on about what I/we have to get done before our ride for school comes. do you stop that when you get going? I HATE myself after. Really, hate it and regret most of things I say. Mostly I my heart aches when I see her sweet face look at me with such a sad look.

I just don't know how to handle this. Today was just a sampling of this happening-not to this extent, though. I just HAVE to figure out how to change this.

Another problem is that she'll pick something in the store that she likes, but when we get home, she won't wear it. I told her I'm going to give her 2 outfits she absolutely loves to rotate every other day, then her friends will wonder why she doesn't have more clothes.

Really, did I really say that? Not winning any mother of the year prizes today. Maybe I would have been better with all boys. Well, except that Spencer does express his opinion about his clothes more often-Landon, too. But luckily not the same extent as their sister.

The other issue I have is that we are in a carpool with a family down the street. My friend wants to pick the kids up earlier than I would leave if I were taking them myself. It stresses me out. I HATE making people wait for me and half the time she is sitting in her car waiting for us. I like being in a carpool, but am wondering if the stress of it all is worth it for me. Well, the problem is that I feel obligated to do it. She got into the Spanish Immersion just before school started. She was on the fence about it, but then said we could carpool. I said sure, so she put her daughter in. Some mornings I wish I could just only worry about getting out the door with just my kids in our own time. (My part of the carpool so far has been to bring all the kids home from school.)

Ok, rant over. I'll get over it eventually, but any advice about dressing picky little girls would be most welcome.!!!

1 comment:

Ryann said...

Maybe you could have her pick out her clothes the night before and have a rule that she can't change them in the morning? I also purge everything that I don't like in the kids closets and then they just pick out what they wear. I have learned not to fight with them about what the choose unless it is not season appropriate. What I mean is less choice, less fuss? good luck!