Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nantasket Beach

So it rained and rained most of the time we were in Boston back in August-yes I am still catching up from summer. I was very sad every day it rained since I really wanted to spend a day at my favorite beach-Nantasket Beach. We spent the day there for Spencer's first birthday, so the plan was to go back for the day on his 5th birthday. Since it was pouring on his birthday, it didn't quite work out that way.

So there was one day that the sun finally showed itself-the day before we left. We went into Boston for the day time, then since my friends were going to a concert Thursday night. After they left, we did an evening rip to the beach. We had a BLAST!! It made me a bit bummed that we hadn't spent the day there after seeing the glee on the childrens faces during our quick visit. Ah time!!

Darin and the kids heading to the water.
Spencer absolutely LOVED the water. He loved running in and out of the surf. He would jump up and down and just laugh and laugh. Once a wave knocked him over and he thought that was awesome; so eventually he was soaked, but thoroughly happy! And he looks so dang cute with his "swim shirts" as we call them, or "rash guards" as surfers call them. He and Lanny both look like little surfers.

Jordan on the other hand is a bit more hesitant in how far she goes into the surf. She and Spencer would run in, then run back out when a big wave was coming. She would rather wander around the beach looking for treasures to fill up her bucket.

Spencer having a blast. Soooo cute!!!

loved the reflection on this one.

Jordan found a little pool just the right size for her bum. Jordan could wander around the beach searching for treasures and playing in the sand all day. The nice thing about going in the evening was that we didn't have to worry about sunscreen and could just wander all over the beach. It was so nice.

Brothers having fun on the beach.

There are lots of rocks and little pools all over the beach. It was fun to see the kids wander around and look for treasures. We found some really cool shells and fun pebbles.

Nice rock, Landon. He wanted to bring it home with us!

When I was a nanny, I would go here all the time. I would walk the whole beach when I needed to think. Our singles group would come here a lot. We would see who would go in the water when it was cold-we were crazy in those days!!


AW said...

You got some WONDEFUL pictures, so framable! How fun!

Donna Parsley said...

I agree with AW, those pictures look awesome when framed! Other than that, it's a fun way in spending your summer when you go on somewhere with your kids to deepen your bond with each other, especially at the beach, where there are a lot of fun things to do, from sand activities to plain swimming.