Life is crazy, that just sums up my life in a nutshell. Some days I don't know if I am coming or going. Here is some of my craziness:
Saturday. Ugh, I seriously screwed up. We have known for a few weeks that Spencer had a birthday party at the Zoo. I recently got an evite for another birthday party for Jordan and read the date wrong so for a week. I even looked at it a second time to reply and didn't bother to double check the date. I was stressing that they were on the same day similar times and we would have to divide forces. I set up a carpool with another friend who was going.
So the day came. I had it all set up and thought I was on top of things. I reminded Darin how to get to both houses, told him the times, where to go and what to do. I went to the zoo with the boys. I ended up calling Darin, ashamedly in tears, to tell him I missed my exit, was there another way to get to the zoo. I was so worried about having to pay the $20 parking to go to a kids birthday party that I wanted to get there early to get street parking. (That didn't happen-I ended up joining FONZ to avoid parking costs-we will use it.)
So I am frantically running into the building for the party because my friend put on the invitation that the tour left promptly at 10:00. Well....not so. The family had just arrived as well, and they played some games and stuff before the tour. Yes, a little annoyed. Anyhow, I am on the zoo tour with the party and my phone rings. It was Darin....he was not happy....opps...major screw up. Party NEXT Saturday. I was sooooo embarrassed and felt really bad for Darin who went to homes with people still in their pajamas. I appologized profusely, needless to say, but still feel so stupid!!! He ended up taking the little girl home with us, so it worked out for Jordan to have a playdate. And the smart man left the presents there so we won't have to worry about them next week:)
I did go to my photography class on Saturday and like the lesson. I asked a bunch of questions and the teacher was really helpful. So that was great.
Different kind of crazy....going non stop
Monday: Crazy Busy. Here is my timeline:
8:25 take Jordan to school
8:40 ish, take Spencer to a friends house and stay with the kids so the mom can take her son to school.
9:30 ish:After talking to a friend for a while, go to WalMart to get light bulbs.
10:00 Music class at the church. Landon is so cute and totally loves it-especially the parachute
11:00 pick Spencer up and take him to school.
11:10-1:00 help out in Spencer's class. cut out turkeys for their little play, help with snack time.
1:00-pick up the little girl I watch on Mondays, get to Library to follow group to farm for Jordan's brownie meeting
2:00-3:3oish follow brownies around as they go on tour and have class of farm, and play on playground a while. Landon slept the whole time and Spencer had fun seeing all the animals.
4:00ish drive home
5:00-make dinner and eat
6:00 go to metro because we have tickets for a figure skating event and verizon center(more in another post)
7:00 sit down in seats to watch show-start shoving food in kids mouths to keep quiet.
7:15-8:00ish-try to take pictures of famous skaters and keep kid quiet while people keep looking at 2 very stupid people for thinking they can take 3 small children to a figure skating event.
8:15 is leave verizon center in a horrible mood. Made the mistake of parking at Van Dorn instead of Pentagon city mall to avoid dragging the kids through the mall to get to the metro. Wait and wait for our train. All the while fighting 3 children to behave. Oh, I also got so desperate because Spencer cried and cried that he had to go poopy, that I slipped a diaper under his underwear and told him to go. Turns out it was just gas because the diaper was empty. The things mothers do.
Darin and I realized that we made an completely foolish and stupid decision to think that we could pull the evening off. It was horrible-I cannot express my emotions about my failures as a mother-I felt so helpless and just embarassed that I have somehow failed to teach my children how to behave in public. ( I may be over dramatizing it a bit, emotions still running high over the whole thing.)
I was driving around yesterday and realized it was just the beginning of my many hours in the car as a mother. A good friend in the ward who had teenagers has told me of her time spent in the car taxing her children. Why do we think we need to do so much....crazy is what it really is....crazy.