Sunday, November 1, 2009

When mommy is sick...

everyone suffers.

Top Ten Reasons Why Mommy Hates Being Sick:

10. Being sick is downright miserable whether or not you're a mommy.
9. Laying in bed all day gets pretty boring-even if you feel dizzy when you get up and don't have much strength. ( I did find a Munsters Marathon that was fun to watch and the kids loved it. And there were a few cute movies on yesterday.)
8. Laundry piles up like crazy.
7. Nothing gets cleaned up. House is a complete wreck.
6. You miss fun stuff like trick or treating with your kids and driving to Shenandoah to seethe leaves-which we planned to do today.
5. You have to sleep alone because your husband has a really busy week at work and cannot afford to get sick. You worry about anything you touch in the house and if you are leaving a trail of germs. Keep Clorox wipes close-yes, I will wipe the computer down when I am done with this post.
4. You dont' have the energy to respond when the kids are screaming downstairs, daddy upset so everyone in the house is frustrated.
3. You lay in bed and worry and stress about all the people you went around all week and feel completely horrible when you find out some of them are sick, too. Feel completely responsible.
2. You stress about the days you have ahead to disinfect and put the house back together-especially when the kids have the next 2 days off school....yikes!
1. you miss the love and hugs and kisses and cuddles from everyone in your family...especially from the daddy of the house. No kisses is not fun!!!

The good thing is that I am beginning to feel better. My body no longer feels like I was hit by a mack truck. My coughing isn't as much and the headaches are more mild. I just need to get my energy back. Hope that happens soon. I told Darin that being sick was just as hard emotionally this time. I probably shouldn't admit to a couple crying fits. It is just so hard to feel helpless-your body doesn't want to cooperate with what your mind wants. I felt so isolated in my room yesterday when I had a fever and felt really bad. Luckily it broke yesterday and I've been more than a day without a fever. I feel more now like I have a sinus infection. It's also been lonely at night with Darin sleeping on the sleeper sofa downstairs.

I am not looking forward to the next couple days with the kids off school. I was really excited for it last week since I will have just my kids, and not the little boy I watch-who also got sick, by the way-but then we got sick. Darin did give me a blessing the other day, so I know it will get better and I can then think about what I needed to learn from this challenging time. The relief society president in our ward has been keeping tabs on me this week since she knows I watched sick child for a family in the ward. She arranged for dinner to be brought tomorrow, so that will be very helpful. Thankfully, since we have no family here, we do have our ward who is so wonderful in helping out when needed.

Ok, rant over. Going up to bed to rest.


Dan and Sharon said...

sorry to see that you are sick. Warm wishes of good health are sent your way.

Lea said...

I hope that your recovery is quick! I am thinking of you. :)

Leslie Green said...

Who's the RS President these days?

It does stink to have your mind want to do something and your body not cooperate. Oh, how I understand THAT feeling!!!

Here's hoping your recovery continues, and quickly!!