Sunday, November 29, 2009

Spencer's thanksgiving fun

I was really excited because for the first time, the kids preschool-I guess now Spencer's preschool was going to do a little thanksgiving "play." It was really cute. Spencer was so excited tell me he was going to be a turkey. I actually volunteer one day a week and I cut out all the pieces for the little turkey hat they wore:)

So Landon and I got to go to the "Play" which was more like a little concert. They all sang little songs and one of the teachers was the narrator. Spencer was singing the songs and was excited when he saw me come in. He did all the hand motions and everything. It was really cute.

After the play, the served up a little "feast"-mashed potatoes, veggies, rolls, a turkey in the form of a rotisserie chicken (yeah-I thought that was funny, too) cookies. The tables were all decorated with cornicopias, etc and the kids had fun eating the "feast."

Here is Spencer in his hat.
The hat kept falling down. There was one little boy in Spencer's class who wore his upside down because he didn't like the legs in his face. So funny.
Spencer enjoying his feast. Nice Job on your hat, Spence:)
After the feast, all the classes went to the playground. Spencer's job that day was line leader, and his teacher told me he takes it very seriously. Landon would follow right behind Spence. He loves going to school and cries to stay with Spencer.
So sweet!
This is what I am most thankful for:

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